1. I was speaking generally, not of my own experiences.
In real life and online, I've asked out dozens of girls. All that hard work and the two relationships I had were absolutely awful. No one deserves a toxic relationship, especially if they're a decent person themselves.
2. In what world is getting a date 'easy'?
Tell that to the man who responded to me earlier, who asked out 400 women and only for three eventual girlfriends.
3. Yes.
My dream girl is opposite sex me, nothing more.
All I ask is I am attracted to her (very easy, im attracted to 95% of women 18-25) she to me, is not overweight (I am very fit, she doesn't have to be fit just average shape), she takes care of her health, and we are 'compatible' simply meaning the relationship works.
I don't care if she has a million mental dsorders as long as they don't make her mean, don't care if she's homeless, high school dropout, even if she Nevers want to.move out,.never wants a job, never wants a HS diploma, etc. None or this matters to me, I wonder if it ever will.
I have been attracted to young women who were born with facial deformities. Doesn't matter what physical health problems she has as long as she has high survival chance and isn't bedridden or need to always be in hospital. She could be blind and deaf, wheelchair, burn face victim, every form of cancer, etc.
I don't go for girls out of my league. Ever. In fact they're often in far worse positions in life than me, and are equal in looks. They oftn have more abusive or broken home lives, often were in foster care, often fighting mental illness or substance abuse disorders, etc.
4. How do you know who the 'right' person is?
I don't even know who the right kind of friends for me are, I've been figuring that out my whole life.