What are your thoughts on Polyamory or Polygamy?

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23 Mar 2021, 7:55 am

Gentleman Argentum wrote:
Rexi wrote:
Gentleman Argentum wrote:
OutsideView wrote:
I wonder how many of us would want to be poly if we could cope with that many people versus how many would still want to be with only one person anyway. I'd definitely like to have more friends if I could (and if I knew how) but would still only like one person for romance and sex.

Gentleman Argentum wrote:

Thanks! Never heard that before.

I don't know, I think even if my social processing unit (spu) got upgraded to NT, I'd still prefer one woman. I get jealous, plus she would get jealous. It's wild some people look at things differently, I just am me.

Jealousy is inevitable and it's not a problem when you agree from the getgo and make no false beliefs about how we are going to be with others. At least that's for me. You have to deal with it and not let it consume you. It was always a big issue in my commitments and surprisingly it barely is with my multiple men now, given that im not in a poly commitment but have multiple partners that I invest emotionally in, hopefully for long-term.

Most guys haven't the luxury of even considering poly. You're rather different than most women, most demand exclusivity from their male partner. I read this in female profiles, it is often mentioned: "No hookups, monogamous only..." In fact, one woman (@ OKCupid) rejected me while we were matched and texting, because I had dared to mention short-term dating in my profile. She concluded I was a "playa" and also found fault with an answer I gave to the questionnaire in which I favored the legalization of marijuana. Oh! the scandal! :alien:

I admire your versatility, however a thought in the back of my mind is, perhaps this is how you make your living? I do not mean to offend, I am for legalization and normalization of that occupation, but it has always seemed to me that the Aspy trait would be ideal in some ways for that profession. But what do I know?

Ha, I wish! [do I, though?] Im poor as dirt, I wouldn't be able to even afford a hardware VPN, I'd die very young. Besides I don't like to do it without some attraction and emotional connections, I need to gain my energy to gove it back magnificently or to do it for payment\someones horniness but I would maybe do it for you since you're such a sweet autistic person and are imagining me being a pornographist. Don't tell anyone but I do have an illogical thing for aspies. Hmm, are you an incel by chance? Teehee~ :heart:

I have been told before that I would be great for it, thanks. Bottomline though I think it's part of the things too important for me to do it as a job in the classic way.

I sometimes think animated images of strippers that do this number hanging on ribbons, or swings, sort of between circus performance and porn, even couples. That's something I would love to design but it's too far off from my skills. It combines 4 of my interests, one being arousing music, fit since im an audiophile; another animation and colors, another sexuality and coupling, another dance\music gymnastics.

And then I'd love to play an electric keyboard for money, but I have no skill. And not many make it in a band that also earns well.

I'd like to explore ideas that aren't that common, such as comparison of the human body with an insect, how it can bend and arch, or be stung, or with a plant.

My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. :heart: x :heart:

Any topic, PM me; mind my profile.


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23 Mar 2021, 8:54 am

r00tb33r wrote:
I suppose there are many reasons why poly-anything relationships aren't as common and why most won't even consider. Here are some I can think of off the top of my head:

1. If these relationships involve sexual encounters with multiple partners, it's an STD epidemic waiting to happen. This is because the group is not necessarily exclusive, meaning each participant may have their own "network" of partners who are not the same set as the other.

2. Splitting time between multiple romantic interests means not giving a romantic interest your full attention and energy. It makes the relationship sporadic and disjointed. This is only for people with very few commitments and responsibilities. Between a full-time job, maintaining a household (home & other property), supporting the birth family, possibly children, who could possibly have enough time and energy for multiple partners and relationships? This is a fantasy.

3. Close emotional involvement with multiple individuals may lead to situations where a problem of one becomes a problem of six, as the emotional distress may pass from person to person due to negative experiences and sudden mood changes, especially if individuals are unaware of each other, and negative experiences are unexpected and without an understood reason. Think of it like spreading mental STDs. This isn't meant to offend anyone, just an analogy.

Jealousy was mentioned earlier in the thread.

People aren't computers, they can't form romantic mesh networks. This isn't healthy.

Today they would call this “toxic monoganism” or something like that.

Gentleman Argentum

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23 Mar 2021, 11:25 am

Rexi wrote:
Ha, I wish! [do I, though?] Im poor as dirt, I wouldn't be able to even afford a hardware VPN, I'd die very young. Besides I don't like to do it without some attraction and emotional connections, I need to gain my energy to gove it back magnificently or to do it for payment\someones horniness but I would maybe do it for you since you're such a sweet autistic person and are imagining me being a pornographist. Don't tell anyone but I do have an illogical thing for aspies. Hmm, are you an incel by chance? Teehee~ :heart:

I have been told before that I would be great for it, thanks. Bottomline though I think it's part of the things too important for me to do it as a job in the classic way.

I sometimes think animated images of strippers that do this number hanging on ribbons, or swings, sort of between circus performance and porn, even couples. That's something I would love to design but it's too far off from my skills. It combines 4 of my interests, one being arousing music, fit since im an audiophile; another animation and colors, another sexuality and coupling, another dance\music gymnastics.

And then I'd love to play an electric keyboard for money, but I have no skill. And not many make it in a band that also earns well.

I'd like to explore ideas that aren't that common, such as comparison of the human body with an insect, how it can bend and arch, or be stung, or with a plant.

Actually the occupation I had in mind, which I hesitated to mention, was prostitute, not pornographist, although nowadays, I suppose that is the high-tech and trendier variety of prostitution. It boggles my mind that guys will pay big money for sex coming in, not in person, but over their computer screen and speakers. Just don't get it. :scratch:

You may have an illogical thing for aspies, from being one yourself, but I doubt seriously you have a thing for men that are 21 years older than you. :lol:

I'm wise enough to limit my search to women about 3 to 8 years younger--or older--than myself. I am not quite sure what the age range should be, whether 8 years is too much a difference or not, and would welcome feedback on that.

However, I think you are highly flirtatious and flirt with any male you can because it is a way you have found to get delightful attention, and on forums like this, where we are presumably anonymous, I do think it is harmless fun. I am no killjoy, I think the world needs more joy as it can otherwise be pretty gray at times. Your posts I do read with much interest, and I am sure I am not the only male here to feel thus. :mrgreen:

Yes, do talk about sex stuff, you could write a couple pages, I think we will hang on every word. 8) As far as I am concerned it is a PSA (Public Service Announcement) with education and entertainment.

As to being dirt poor, well, I suppose that is one reason the old formula works for so many women: find a man that works full-time and has a good income, get him to marry you, be faithful and boom, you're not dirt poor anymore.

No, I am not an incel. I am at risk though and it worries me. I certainly do not want to ever be incel or in any way anti-woman or even perceived that way. I think I just need to chill on the online dating, take things slower. My rusty social processing unit gets overheated sometimes. I'm probably wrong half the time but rest assured, people let me know. :lol:

My magical motto is Animus facit nobilem. I like to read fantasy and weird fiction. Just a few of my favorite online things: music, chess, and dungeon crawl stone soup.


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23 Mar 2021, 2:16 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Today they would call this “toxic monoganism” or something like that.

Who is "they"? Not sure if your statement is critical or supportive.

I'm not toxic. I'm intoxicating. :wink:


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23 Mar 2021, 2:19 pm

Gentleman Argentum wrote:
As to being dirt poor, well, I suppose that is one reason the old formula works for so many women: find a man that works full-time and has a good income, get him to marry you, be faithful and boom, you're not dirt poor anymore.

She will crucify you for even mentioning that.

(And I'll happily build the cross.)


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23 Mar 2021, 2:24 pm

My mother married to obtain a "middle class" existence...and she makes no bones about it. She doesn't care what other people think. In the 1950s, this was a common reason to get married.


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23 Mar 2021, 2:42 pm

r00tb33r wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Today they would call this “toxic monoganism” or something like that.

Who is "they"? Not sure if your statement is critical or supportive.

I'm not toxic. I'm intoxicating. :wink:

They are the online drama kings/queens.


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23 Mar 2021, 2:43 pm

I'm a fan of polygyny, that's the easiest way I can disappoint multiple women at once. :oops:

Gentleman Argentum

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23 Mar 2021, 4:25 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
My mother married to obtain a "middle class" existence...and she makes no bones about it. She doesn't care what other people think. In the 1950s, this was a common reason to get married.

Still is, God's truth. Women drop all kinds of hints on their online profiles about travel overseas and their expectations toward that end. Frequent traveling, hm can ya do that on a modest income? Nah, I didn't think so.

I tend to swipe left on those profiles, though because I am on a fairly modest income, certainly not affluent enough to hit Europe twice a year.

My magical motto is Animus facit nobilem. I like to read fantasy and weird fiction. Just a few of my favorite online things: music, chess, and dungeon crawl stone soup.

Gentleman Argentum

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23 Mar 2021, 4:27 pm

r00tb33r wrote:
Gentleman Argentum wrote:
As to being dirt poor, well, I suppose that is one reason the old formula works for so many women: find a man that works full-time and has a good income, get him to marry you, be faithful and boom, you're not dirt poor anymore.

She will crucify you for even mentioning that.

(And I'll happily build the cross.)

I would prefer the spanking option she was talking about earlier. Crucifixion seems a bit severe.

My magical motto is Animus facit nobilem. I like to read fantasy and weird fiction. Just a few of my favorite online things: music, chess, and dungeon crawl stone soup.


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24 Mar 2021, 12:01 am

Gentleman Argentum wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
My mother married to obtain a "middle class" existence...and she makes no bones about it. She doesn't care what other people think. In the 1950s, this was a common reason to get married.

Still is, God's truth. Women drop all kinds of hints on their online profiles about travel overseas and their expectations toward that end. Frequent traveling, hm can ya do that on a modest income? Nah, I didn't think so.

I tend to swipe left on those profiles, though because I am on a fairly modest income, certainly not affluent enough to hit Europe twice a year.

So that's why I always avoid profiles with lots of travel photos.

To be fair I found a girl on a dating site who actually paid for me to go overseas with her instead of vice versa. She paid for most of our dates too. She had money to burn and now she's burned through all of it. We've had other issues too. She's too controlling.

The days are long, but the years are short

Gentleman Argentum

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24 Mar 2021, 7:08 pm

RetroGamer87 wrote:
Gentleman Argentum wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
My mother married to obtain a "middle class" existence...and she makes no bones about it. She doesn't care what other people think. In the 1950s, this was a common reason to get married.

Still is, God's truth. Women drop all kinds of hints on their online profiles about travel overseas and their expectations toward that end. Frequent traveling, hm can ya do that on a modest income? Nah, I didn't think so.

I tend to swipe left on those profiles, though because I am on a fairly modest income, certainly not affluent enough to hit Europe twice a year.

So that's why I always avoid profiles with lots of travel photos.

To be fair I found a girl on a dating site who actually paid for me to go overseas with her instead of vice versa. She paid for most of our dates too. She had money to burn and now she's burned through all of it. We've had other issues too. She's too controlling.

Let me guess: she is twenty to thirty years older, a Mama Cougar recently divorced and she burnt through her divorce settlement.

Sweet deal though. Is the sex good or do you just like someone paying the bills?

My magical motto is Animus facit nobilem. I like to read fantasy and weird fiction. Just a few of my favorite online things: music, chess, and dungeon crawl stone soup.


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28 Mar 2021, 5:23 pm

Gentleman Argentum wrote:
Rexi wrote:
Ha, I wish! [do I, though?] Im poor as dirt, I wouldn't be able to even afford a hardware VPN, I'd die very young. Besides I don't like to do it without some attraction and emotional connections, I need to gain my energy to gove it back magnificently or to do it for payment\someones horniness but I would maybe do it for you since you're such a sweet autistic person and are imagining me being a pornographist. Don't tell anyone but I do have an illogical thing for aspies. Hmm, are you an incel by chance? Teehee~ :heart:

I have been told before that I would be great for it, thanks. Bottomline though I think it's part of the things too important for me to do it as a job in the classic way.

I sometimes think animated images of strippers that do this number hanging on ribbons, or swings, sort of between circus performance and porn, even couples. That's something I would love to design but it's too far off from my skills. It combines 4 of my interests, one being arousing music, fit since im an audiophile; another animation and colors, another sexuality and coupling, another dance\music gymnastics.

And then I'd love to play an electric keyboard for money, but I have no skill. And not many make it in a band that also earns well.

I'd like to explore ideas that aren't that common, such as comparison of the human body with an insect, how it can bend and arch, or be stung, or with a plant.

Actually the occupation I had in mind, which I hesitated to mention, was prostitute, not pornographist, although nowadays, I suppose that is the high-tech and trendier variety of prostitution. It boggles my mind that guys will pay big money for sex coming in, not in person, but over their computer screen and speakers. Just don't get it. :scratch:

You may have an illogical thing for aspies, from being one yourself, but I doubt seriously you have a thing for men that are 21 years older than you. :lol:

I'm wise enough to limit my search to women about 3 to 8 years younger--or older--than myself. I am not quite sure what the age range should be, whether 8 years is too much a difference or not, and would welcome feedback on that.

However, I think you are highly flirtatious and flirt with any male you can because it is a way you have found to get delightful attention, and on forums like this, where we are presumably anonymous, I do think it is harmless fun. I am no killjoy, I think the world needs more joy as it can otherwise be pretty gray at times. Your posts I do read with much interest, and I am sure I am not the only male here to feel thus. :mrgreen:

Yes, do talk about sex stuff, you could write a couple pages, I think we will hang on every word. 8) As far as I am concerned it is a PSA (Public Service Announcement) with education and entertainment.

As to being dirt poor, well, I suppose that is one reason the old formula works for so many women: find a man that works full-time and has a good income, get him to marry you, be faithful and boom, you're not dirt poor anymore.

No, I am not an incel. I am at risk though and it worries me. I certainly do not want to ever be incel or in any way anti-woman or even perceived that way. I think I just need to chill on the online dating, take things slower. My rusty social processing unit gets overheated sometimes. I'm probably wrong half the time but rest assured, people let me know. :lol:

It might not seem like it but I don't enjoy flirting with just any guy. You're right, that's where I was going and I don't really care if I spoil it speeding up too soon teehee. But I think you've got the same wavelengths of thought and openmindedness in significant places with me that I'm able to appreciate.

I've been thinking about the concept of online dating and whether it's really considered serious and real, I guess some people don't think it is. I certainly do crave that physical relationship type but it seems like there's not much difference as long as you can express physical stuff through text that gives me such intense feelings. Then there is the concept of online dating addiction, where you kind of don't want to take it to the next level. I think it's pretty awful if someone can't connect through words and intellectual stuff. And can't see past the physical benefits, wishes and needs. There are way too many I met who just can't deal without it, it makes no sense.

Guys and me, are visual [partly] creatures. That's probably why pornography is broadly successful.

Nah I can't prostitute for the same reasons and more. Besides I try not to involve in illegal activity. I'm actually a virgin [come test it!], the only times I was with men were in my childhood, mostly unconsented.

What, were you never attracted to women that much older? I suppose like science states, youthfulness may be more attractive to men. Isn't it~?

My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. :heart: x :heart:

Any topic, PM me; mind my profile.


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28 Mar 2021, 5:39 pm

r00tb33r wrote:
Gentleman Argentum wrote:
As to being dirt poor, well, I suppose that is one reason the old formula works for so many women: find a man that works full-time and has a good income, get him to marry you, be faithful and boom, you're not dirt poor anymore.

She will crucify you for even mentioning that.

(And I'll happily build the cross.)

You're right, I was thinking he would purify better burning and actually molding into the cross. Surely smells incredible, like forced repentance.

I am not going to question how rich he is, his theory doesn't even come far from the possible. I actually hear it all the time. And guys who'd seem respectworthy getting into marriages they don't want to have in the first place or for reasons that don't revolve around their hearts. I'm not even surprised, marriage isn't even a functional construct that gives way to healthy relationships and thinking. It's just not everyone realizes what some are capable to do to rise.

Prostitutes are respectable, it needs to be legalized. They need to be in greater safety and support. They provide safety for all of femalekind decreasing rape counts. While marriage needs to be illegal, gives way to all kinds of people to use it for the wrong means and get stuck in way too high percentages. The easiest way out for both parties is to not get into it.

I really don't powermove for such deeds. It's at best a disgraceful act. I also recognize the downsides that come with such an arrangement and know my own weaknesses. That's why I'm the best.

My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. :heart: x :heart:

Any topic, PM me; mind my profile.


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28 Mar 2021, 8:10 pm

Rexi wrote:
I've been thinking about the concept of online dating and whether it's really considered serious and real, I guess some people don't think it is. I certainly do crave that physical relationship type but it seems like there's not much difference as long as you can express physical stuff through text that gives me such intense feelings. Then there is the concept of online dating addiction, where you kind of don't want to take it to the next level. I think it's pretty awful if someone can't connect through words and intellectual stuff. And can't see past the physical benefits, wishes and needs. There are way too many I met who just can't deal without it, it makes no sense.

Online relationships seem to suffer from low verbal bandwidth. You can either express thoughts and ideas, the intellectual conversation, or express affection with words, but only one or the other. This causes interactions to either lack much needed affection, which makes participants question if they are romantically connecting or not, or the interaction is purely emotional and becomes shallow from the lack of anything else.

Real-life relationships with physical presence allow for simultaneous parallel expression of affection while carrying on intellectual conversations or activities.

I wish you'd find someone decent that you can do this with. You've been doing the online stuff for so long that you've forgotten how multi-dimensional these interactions. Once you've had it good you won't want to go back to the online stuff.


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29 Mar 2021, 1:33 am

r00tb33r wrote:
Rexi wrote:
I've been thinking about the concept of online dating and whether it's really considered serious and real, I guess some people don't think it is. I certainly do crave that physical relationship type but it seems like there's not much difference as long as you can express physical stuff through text that gives me such intense feelings. Then there is the concept of online dating addiction, where you kind of don't want to take it to the next level. I think it's pretty awful if someone can't connect through words and intellectual stuff. And can't see past the physical benefits, wishes and needs. There are way too many I met who just can't deal without it, it makes no sense.

Online relationships seem to suffer from low verbal bandwidth. You can either express thoughts and ideas, the intellectual conversation, or express affection with words, but only one or the other. This causes interactions to either lack much needed affection, which makes participants question if they are romantically connecting or not, or the interaction is purely emotional and becomes shallow from the lack of anything else.

Real-life relationships with physical presence allow for simultaneous parallel expression of affection while carrying on intellectual conversations or activities.

I wish you'd find someone decent that you can do this with. You've been doing the online stuff for so long that you've forgotten how multi-dimensional these interactions. Once you've had it good you won't want to go back to the online stuff.

Eh the risks of pregnancy and them being on my tail too much are very strong reasons why online is priceless.

I appreciate words, you can tell from some people s words they care but I don't even think it's not possible to do it at the same time online because I ve done it, like are you actually gonna rub my ass all the time while you're talking about squirrel pantry efficiency in real life? I don't think it's got as much possibility as you're led to believe.

My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. :heart: x :heart:

Any topic, PM me; mind my profile.

Last edited by Rexi on 29 Mar 2021, 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.