sodarktheshadows wrote:
well, i can tell you that appearing shallow, materialistic and narrowminded will not get you well liked either. hell. i'd rather be friends with a troll, a gamer or a slacker any day, than with someone who could only like someone for what's on your list. i, at least, like to think that i can look past those things.
you should try it some time.
I appreciate the fact the he is so honest about it, he's actually saying what he's thinking rather than bullshitting just to please the crowd. If most people said what they really thought all the time it'd be easier to get to the issue. I've seen too much of Tim on this site to believe that he is a bad guy deep down.
And Tim, that list does need a little work but you don't have to throw it out altogether. If the woman you find can really connect to you it won't matter if you like the same TV shows. Maybe you should reduce that requirement to "is willing to put up with me watching South Park, or enjoy watching it together with me" that will open up the pool a little bit and still weed out the b*****s that would be too controlling to even let you watch the show.
My advice is to just go out and meet women whether they meet all your criteria or not. Even if she isn't like the last one you might find one you like.
I will befriend the friendless, help the helpless, and defeat... the feetless?