What the HELL is wrong with girls?

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01 Jun 2008, 5:59 am

Maybe I should just start a topic on What the Hell is Wrong with Men.

I swear everytime I see these threads.... :x

You're young and you probably don't go for the nice girl or the girl who's willing to give you a chance. You're post sounds as agressive as a girl that may be willing to go for the a**hole, I don't know. I've known a lot of girls including myself who didn't go for the bad guy image. In fact I have 2 girls that married some decent guys. Look into other activities or something. Women aren't ALL like that and you're still young.

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01 Jun 2008, 8:07 am

LoveableNerd wrote:
CottlestonPie wrote:
Young girls mess around with bad boys, but most grow up and settle down with nice guys.

Lol. Yeah, after they're all used up and knocked up. Then and only then do they go looking for a nice guy to rescue them after wasting their attractive years on all the pricks. Not all women of course, but most of the ones who go for the bad boys when they're young pay a heavy price, but expect the nice guy (they've always ignored before) to pay for their mistakes. Avoid them like the plague.

Very good point. Luckily, it's easy to pick those ones out. Avoid them!


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01 Jun 2008, 10:40 am

pakled wrote:
well...that was a pleasant read...;)

It's proven to me one thing; styles change, music changes, even people change, but high school goes on forever...;)

Ok, let's look at your representative sample.

Now once you're in the dating age, what do you want? Normal? Safe? Boring?

NO!, you want excitement! thrills! emotional rollercoastering through relationships! the thrill of the chase! the play-by-play after the date, wild, crazy loving (however far it goes)

Who supplies that? the boy (or girl) next door? No!..the thug in the hallway, shaking down nerds for pocket change. Or the slut driving all the guys wild. Before you have perspective, these look pretty darn attractive..;)

there are (thank heavens) only a limited supply of those. But it does set up some competition. But that's the name of the game; you're always going to have competition. It's the nature of the species, women choose the man they want to chase them...;) (sometimes...;)

You have so much time ahead of you...at least benefit from our 'older person' mistakes, and not make them...;)

;););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););) , do you have a shortcut button for ;)?

I understand whateverdude's frustration , it is a true phenomena whether the girls here in WP like it or not.
I have a friend who behaves like a 'bad guy' style , he's fat, not that much good-looking but he ALWAYS get dates left and right ...he lasts with a girl for 2-3 month because he hates long relationships , he was in a stable relationship for 1 years before but he abandoned her and that girl but she still crazy about him and pursue him. In fact, many of his plenty exes still pursue him, when I am hanging out with him he's ALWAYS receiving SMSs from girls telling him how much they miss him and how much they thinking about him :?, that's insane. Note that he's not a teen and his exes are not teens either , they are all adults in mid 20s and early 30s and he has now about 20 exes.

I, as an adult guy who never had gf , always wondered what they like so much about him and why they are so crazy about him. I guess I'll never know why exactly but I think these are some of the reasons:

1- Masculinity: it just happens that most "bad guys" are masculine , I am sure that level of Testosterone is correlated with aggressiveness , most normal girls drool over masculine guys. Some of the physical masculine traits: height,wide jaws,deep tone, muscles,large body....etc and some of the non-physical masculine trait: determinism, aggressiveness , confidence, leadership,risk taker.
Most 'bad guys' have these traits,no?

2-Entertainment value: Let's face it, 'bad guys' are usually very social and so very entertaining.

3- Success: this sometimes a point of weakness among the 'bad guys' but that doesn't mean that 'bad guys' can't be successful, don't fool yourselves geeks! Not all of you are geniuses like Bill Gates. Many of them will become successful and maybe even more successful than you!
For instance,my 'bad guy' friend has Masters degree like me , he's working in a French bank and he has now his own apartment , he's ahead of me in many levels. Certainly, his social skills and his determinism are keys to success.

4- Talent: 'bad guys' can be talented in many ares...like Rockstars.

5- Looks: Masculine looks = attractive looks to females.

Whateverdude, nothing wrong with girls, it's just the nature of our species. If you are an evolutionist geeky aspie then you should understand that more than anyone else.

To understand more read this post that I wrote it before in another thread:

the other way around won't be in your favor in you are an omega/beta male , letting girls to approach first will lead to the same natural selection rules that are already applied.

Let's face the truth guys , we are under the mercy of the girls' choice , this is a basic nature and there's no way to change it unless inf your want to change your society into an arrangedmarriage-based society or to a ret*d masculine dominated society like the fanatic Islamic societies and treat women as a furniture.

As long that you live in a free society where dating is free then you'll still be under the mercy of serial monogamy rules==> the mercy of women's choice.

In serial monogamy system , guys ask out girls , the girl keeps rejecting guys till she is asked by the most 'suitable' guy.

So serial monogamy rules are very similar to the natural polygamy rules (not the islamic polygamy!): Females are the main players of the natural selection --> females are the ones who pick the males that most "fit" them (most fit them = that can provide best genes and security).

Nagging, whining , and revolutions will solve nothing ......if you are naturally an omega/beta guy then the best thing you can do is improving yourself , by improving yourself you became a better competitor and you increase somehow your chances to get a girl.

For a better help ,note that there are basically FOUR types of Alpha males in the current human society:

-The Knight (Strength): These are basically the pure natural alphas , the men with high level of Testosterone , the strong, tall , determinant , confident , masculine and handsome men. If you are not already one of those , it will be almost impossible to become one. A strong sport man who can achieve big wins can becomes a King/Knight (ie: the best footballers).This type of alpha might fade with age or can transform to the King type

-The King (Wealth/Social Power): The Kings are the successful men who can turn their success into great wealth and social power, this type of Alpha requires also some basic natural alpha traits found in the Knight-type like confidence and determination (ie.CEOs, great businessmen...etc) ...good physical traits might help too , it also requires mainly traits such as leadership, common sense, courage and good social skills. It is not impossible for Aspies to be one of those but keep in mind that without good-developed natural skills such as social skills and leadership that won't be easy at all.

-The Magician (High Intelligence): Naturally,this is the least attractive Alpha type to most females but they are alphas nonetheless and can attract 10% of females at least. The Magicians are the men who can achieve great things using their high intelligence ,education , great knowledge or great wisdom , the requirement for this type is one : High IQ/Intelligence or at least 1 useful savant skill(rare cases). The Magician doesn't need to be physically strong, confident or leader or any of that sort ....he just needs to be very smart in his field he works in. A Magician who can turns his achievements to success and wealth can becomes a Magician-King (ie. Bill Gates). Aspies with high intelligence should choose this path to Alphahood but if you don't naturally have a very high IQ (above 130)/intelligence or at least 1 useful savant skill this would be almost impossible.

(Even a physically handicapped very genius man such as Steven hawking can be considered as a Magician alpha because his natural high intelligence compensates all the other bad genes ..but of course this case is very very exceptional.)

- The Bard (Talent/Fame): The Bards are the people who get fame through their high talents ie: good singers, cool hardrockers,Hollywood actors, good musicians, excellent painters...

The Bards are the MOST attractive Alpha-type to females nowadays , they can harvest thousands of females' hearts.
Since fame brings wealth and since fame requires sometimes attractive looks then Bards are usually in combo forms mostly as Bard/King or sometimes in Bard/King/Knight , Bard/King/Magician exist but are rare cases (ie. like the savant pianist kids that can even compete adult pianists....will be Bard/King/Magician when they become adults).
Aspie can becomes a bard ....but of course he needs to have great talents.

There are the same types of alphas among females ....but here we are talking about competition between males which is much rougher than the competition between females (competition between females is caused by the artificial monogamous marriage system).

If you want to understand about relationships,sexual selection, men and women, then read biologic ,scientific or/and sociobiological studies. Once you understand the natural process of mating in species and especially in humans then you'll have a better understanding about your surrounding AND you'll become more understandable toward women and you'll even appreciate their role in the natural selection.


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01 Jun 2008, 1:55 pm

LePetitPrince wrote:
pakled wrote:
well...that was a pleasant read...;)

It's proven to me one thing; styles change, music changes, even people change, but high school goes on forever...;)

Ok, let's look at your representative sample.

Now once you're in the dating age, what do you want? Normal? Safe? Boring?

NO!, you want excitement! thrills! emotional rollercoastering through relationships! the thrill of the chase! the play-by-play after the date, wild, crazy loving (however far it goes)

Who supplies that? the boy (or girl) next door? No!..the thug in the hallway, shaking down nerds for pocket change. Or the slut driving all the guys wild. Before you have perspective, these look pretty darn attractive..;)

there are (thank heavens) only a limited supply of those. But it does set up some competition. But that's the name of the game; you're always going to have competition. It's the nature of the species, women choose the man they want to chase them...;) (sometimes...;)

You have so much time ahead of you...at least benefit from our 'older person' mistakes, and not make them...;)

;););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););););) , do you have a shortcut button for ;)?

I understand whateverdude's frustration , it is a true phenomena whether the girls here in WP like it or not.
I have a friend who behaves like a 'bad guy' style , he's fat, not that much good-looking but he ALWAYS get dates left and right ...he lasts with a girl for 2-3 month because he hates long relationships , he was in a stable relationship for 1 years before but he abandoned her and that girl but she still crazy about him and pursue him. In fact, many of his plenty exes still pursue him, when I am hanging out with him he's ALWAYS receiving SMSs from girls telling him how much they miss him and how much they thinking about him :?, that's insane. Note that he's not a teen and his exes are not teens either , they are all adults in mid 20s and early 30s and he has now about 20 exes.

I, as an adult guy who never had gf , always wondered what they like so much about him and why they are so crazy about him. I guess I'll never know why exactly but I think these are some of the reasons:

1- Masculinity: it just happens that most "bad guys" are masculine , I am sure that level of Testosterone is correlated with aggressiveness , most normal girls drool over masculine guys. Some of the physical masculine traits: height,wide jaws,deep tone, muscles,large body....etc and some of the non-physical masculine trait: determinism, aggressiveness , confidence, leadership,risk taker.
Most 'bad guys' have these traits,no?

2-Entertainment value: Let's face it, 'bad guys' are usually very social and so very entertaining.

3- Success: this sometimes a point of weakness among the 'bad guys' but that doesn't mean that 'bad guys' can't be successful, don't fool yourselves geeks! Not all of you are geniuses like Bill Gates. Many of them will become successful and maybe even more successful than you!
For instance,my 'bad guy' friend has Masters degree like me , he's working in a French bank and he has now his own apartment , he's ahead of me in many levels. Certainly, his social skills and his determinism are keys to success.

4- Talent: 'bad guys' can be talented in many ares...like Rockstars.

5- Looks: Masculine looks = attractive looks to females.

Whateverdude, nothing wrong with girls, it's just the nature of our species. If you are an evolutionist geeky aspie then you should understand that more than anyone else.

To understand more read this post that I wrote it before in another thread:

the other way around won't be in your favor in you are an omega/beta male , letting girls to approach first will lead to the same natural selection rules that are already applied.

Let's face the truth guys , we are under the mercy of the girls' choice , this is a basic nature and there's no way to change it unless inf your want to change your society into an arrangedmarriage-based society or to a ret*d masculine dominated society like the fanatic Islamic societies and treat women as a furniture.

As long that you live in a free society where dating is free then you'll still be under the mercy of serial monogamy rules==> the mercy of women's choice.

In serial monogamy system , guys ask out girls , the girl keeps rejecting guys till she is asked by the most 'suitable' guy.

So serial monogamy rules are very similar to the natural polygamy rules (not the islamic polygamy!): Females are the main players of the natural selection --> females are the ones who pick the males that most "fit" them (most fit them = that can provide best genes and security).

Nagging, whining , and revolutions will solve nothing ......if you are naturally an omega/beta guy then the best thing you can do is improving yourself , by improving yourself you became a better competitor and you increase somehow your chances to get a girl.

For a better help ,note that there are basically FOUR types of Alpha males in the current human society:

-The Knight (Strength): These are basically the pure natural alphas , the men with high level of Testosterone , the strong, tall , determinant , confident , masculine and handsome men. If you are not already one of those , it will be almost impossible to become one. A strong sport man who can achieve big wins can becomes a King/Knight (ie: the best footballers).This type of alpha might fade with age or can transform to the King type

-The King (Wealth/Social Power): The Kings are the successful men who can turn their success into great wealth and social power, this type of Alpha requires also some basic natural alpha traits found in the Knight-type like confidence and determination (ie.CEOs, great businessmen...etc) ...good physical traits might help too , it also requires mainly traits such as leadership, common sense, courage and good social skills. It is not impossible for Aspies to be one of those but keep in mind that without good-developed natural skills such as social skills and leadership that won't be easy at all.

-The Magician (High Intelligence): Naturally,this is the least attractive Alpha type to most females but they are alphas nonetheless and can attract 10% of females at least. The Magicians are the men who can achieve great things using their high intelligence ,education , great knowledge or great wisdom , the requirement for this type is one : High IQ/Intelligence or at least 1 useful savant skill(rare cases). The Magician doesn't need to be physically strong, confident or leader or any of that sort ....he just needs to be very smart in his field he works in. A Magician who can turns his achievements to success and wealth can becomes a Magician-King (ie. Bill Gates). Aspies with high intelligence should choose this path to Alphahood but if you don't naturally have a very high IQ (above 130)/intelligence or at least 1 useful savant skill this would be almost impossible.

(Even a physically handicapped very genius man such as Steven hawking can be considered as a Magician alpha because his natural high intelligence compensates all the other bad genes ..but of course this case is very very exceptional.)

- The Bard (Talent/Fame): The Bards are the people who get fame through their high talents ie: good singers, cool hardrockers,Hollywood actors, good musicians, excellent painters...

The Bards are the MOST attractive Alpha-type to females nowadays , they can harvest thousands of females' hearts.
Since fame brings wealth and since fame requires sometimes attractive looks then Bards are usually in combo forms mostly as Bard/King or sometimes in Bard/King/Knight , Bard/King/Magician exist but are rare cases (ie. like the savant pianist kids that can even compete adult pianists....will be Bard/King/Magician when they become adults).
Aspie can becomes a bard ....but of course he needs to have great talents.

There are the same types of alphas among females ....but here we are talking about competition between males which is much rougher than the competition between females (competition between females is caused by the artificial monogamous marriage system).

If you want to understand about relationships,sexual selection, men and women, then read biologic ,scientific or/and sociobiological studies. Once you understand the natural process of mating in species and especially in humans then you'll have a better understanding about your surrounding AND you'll become more understandable toward women and you'll even appreciate their role in the natural selection.

Someone's been reading David DeAngelo lol. He makes good points relating the phenomena to evolution, yes. However, this just reinforces the fact that humans aren't nearly as evolved as they like to think they are. It also gives credence to the idea that the growing instances of autism (the so-called epidemic that curebies are screaming about) is evidence of micro-evolution in action. We are part of the natural mutation that leads to new species. Are we the end result of what humanity is destined to become? I doubt it. But we are an evolutionary work in progress. Natural selection is in play here -- DeAngelo implies this throughout his materials -- but in spite of that, more and more of us are being born on the spectrum. We are more adapt for the technological age than NT's, and their not considering us ideal mates and keeping us from reproducing is not keeping us out of the gene pool. The evolutionary track is speeding up, not slowing down.

Back to the topicc at hand: by definition not every man can be an alpha male. In animal social structures, there can be only one. (insert Queen Highlander soundtrack here). Only the lesser evolved females are going to be affected by the NT mating rituals anyway.. while we are essentially a new subspecies. Find an aspie girl if possible, or a higher evolved NT woman and you don't have to worry about "the game."

Only the "highest functioning" (by NT standards) among us have a shot of winning their mating game playing by their rules. A cat that grows up with dogs may try to act like a dog, maybe even think he is a dog, but he won't be able to fool the dogs into thinking he's a dog. All he will do is provide much comedy for the humans watching.

Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.---George Bernard Shaw

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Last edited by LoveableNerd on 01 Jun 2008, 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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01 Jun 2008, 1:57 pm

high school goes on forever

Im not in high school.

You're young and you probably don't go for the nice girl or the girl who's willing to give you a chance.

Now, I understand where your coming from, but that's simply not true. I try to find the nice ones. As I said before though, it seems to me that every time I find a nice one, she's either takes or runs of for another guy.

You're post sounds as aggressive as a girl that may be willing to go for the a**hole, I don't know.

Well yeah, the girl I was interested in ran off on me for another guy the night I made this thread..
I don't usually talk like that.

LOL! No, no problem here between the two of us but some posters apparently have a huge problem with us! Funny considering that they know not a thing about us.


I appreciates your advices (lol) but some of them (I don't need to name 'em) weren't to healthy..
Aaaand I think my momma knows me better :P


Heyyyy mom used a big word :D


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01 Jun 2008, 2:34 pm

Stay patient. You seem like a sweet guy. You'll meet many diverse types of people later on, especially if you're going to college. There are more women out there then the specific type of girl you just described - don't worry! Just hang in there.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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01 Jun 2008, 4:10 pm

That's what everyone says.
That's what they've been saying since puberty.
That's 7 years.
No body waits 7 years.
Except, obviously, meh.


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01 Jun 2008, 4:36 pm

WhateverDude wrote:
That's what everyone says.
That's what they've been saying since puberty.
That's 7 years.
No body waits 7 years.
Except, obviously, meh.

Try 13 years (between puberty and my first real GF) lol. No, you can't wait for something to happen. There is no magical fate that will bring a soulmate to your door. The longer you wait the slimmer the pickings become. You have to seize the day, that is for sure.

Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.---George Bernard Shaw

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01 Jun 2008, 6:11 pm

deadpanhead wrote:
some posters apparently have a huge problem with us!

No, just you.

deadpanhead wrote:
Funny considering that they know not a thing about us.

They know your avatar couldn't possibly be more appropriate.


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01 Jun 2008, 6:21 pm

deadpanhead wrote:
Btw, thanks for seconding me on the swing dance idea.

No problem. I'd do that for absolutely anyone.


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01 Jun 2008, 7:38 pm

pakled wrote:
Now once you're in the dating age, what do you want? Normal? Safe? Boring?

NO!, you want excitement! thrills! emotional rollercoastering through relationships! the thrill of the chase! the play-by-play after the date, wild, crazy loving (however far it goes)

Who supplies that? the boy (or girl) next door? No!..the thug in the hallway, shaking down nerds for pocket change. Or the slut driving all the guys wild. Before you have perspective, these look pretty darn attractive..;)

Yes, and if you're too safe and boring, some women will actually try to stir up conflict and unpredictability.


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01 Jun 2008, 8:22 pm

we're aspies
girls naturally hate aspies


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01 Jun 2008, 9:31 pm

Kilroy wrote:
we're aspies
girls naturally hate aspies

No they don't. Unless they have Aspergers or someone they are close to does, they probably haven't even heard of it. But if you look at the traits that most women find most attractive, they are the 180 degree opposite of aspie traits. And if you look at the traits that most of them find most unattractive... yep, there we are.

But do not listen to the dating gurus who tell you to change who you are to fit what they want. Even if it were possible, it would not make you happy. Consider being aspie a litmus test... the boring (by our standards), the superficial, the social climbers, the party girls and the golddiggers will all avoid you (and good riddance to them all)... but if and when you find a woman who does find you attractive (and you find her attractive as well) she will be a keeper.

Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.---George Bernard Shaw

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01 Jun 2008, 9:34 pm

yeah how many of us have found that one :roll:

not many!


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01 Jun 2008, 9:41 pm

Kilroy wrote:
yeah how many of us have found that one :roll:

not many!

More than you think. Look around on the board. Lots of married or coupled aspie guys on here. (It's just that the ones you hear the most from are guys like us). It's quite encouraging. Venting is good, but never give up hope.

Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.---George Bernard Shaw

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01 Jun 2008, 9:50 pm

juliekitty wrote:
deadpanhead wrote:
some posters apparently have a huge problem with us!

No, just you.

deadpanhead wrote:
Funny considering that they know not a thing about us.

They know your avatar couldn't possibly be more appropriate.

:lmao: LOL :lmao:

This is actually getting kind of funny, except for the fact that you are taking up space to hurl personal insults founded on nothing but your own personal rage over we know not what. Not only is that an offense for which you can be banned, but i would really appreciate it if you would stop hijacking the thread and taking attention away from the actual point for which others are offering some real help. Thx. You have very obviously not read carefully and not used objective thinking to see what is going on. I'm sorry for that, but it's a "read-between-the-lines" thing and i can't help you with that. If you want to call me names, please PM me, which is the sanctioned format for e-rage, and let others get back to what is actually going on here.