Why are women so prude about guys touching them?

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31 Aug 2008, 10:15 pm

MissConstrue wrote:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0S_Ty1Vdpw :lol:

Is it this kind of touching that's inappropriate?

haha, that video made my day :twisted:

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31 Aug 2008, 10:47 pm

Another funny one.

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01 Sep 2008, 11:38 am

^Yes I had seen that and thought about putting it up. :lol:

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01 Sep 2008, 1:04 pm

i_Am_andaJoy wrote:
ProtossX wrote:
girls need to be more relaxed and accept that ppl touch you and there is nothing wrong with touch its not offensive and its perfectly human nature for others to touch you.

im sick of the prudish women lately epsecially in the USA right now where i live who throw a big fit if u accidentall even bump into them and ur hand touches them

listen touch isn't the end of the world u weren't psychologically scarred if a man touches u in some way get a life plz and stop being so prude in the wrold u really ruin guys life by makin all this crap offensive

wow. what an as*hole.

i_Am_andaJoy, I think this is the *real* problem with protossX. Thanx for cinching it so nicely. 8)


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01 Sep 2008, 1:16 pm

warrenpeace wrote:
i_Am_andaJoy wrote:
ProtossX wrote:
girls need to be more relaxed and accept that ppl touch you and there is nothing wrong with touch its not offensive and its perfectly human nature for others to touch you.

im sick of the prudish women lately epsecially in the USA right now where i live who throw a big fit if u accidentall even bump into them and ur hand touches them

listen touch isn't the end of the world u weren't psychologically scarred if a man touches u in some way get a life plz and stop being so prude in the wrold u really ruin guys life by makin all this crap offensive

wow. what an as*hole.

i_Am_andaJoy, I think this is the *real* problem with protossX. Thanx for cinching it so nicely. 8)

well i guess im an a$$hole too because ive read other threads by ProtossX and im in similar situations, it's annoying, he didn't say "cop a feel" he said if he would touch a woman, for all you know he could mean mucking around or hugging or simply tapping them on the shoulder to approach the bar or sum thing

You ladies are getting waAAY worked up and already slandering ProtossX by implying he is a rapist all of a sudden, that sh*t is hurtfull cos ive been called a rapist by so called mates just cos im a clumsy, obvious perve, the few women who believe not all guys are perverts are kidding themselves honestly.......


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01 Sep 2008, 1:20 pm

MissConstrue wrote:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0S_Ty1Vdpw :lol:

Is it this kind of touching that's inappropriate?

:lol: wow!
i liked the way he pointed out his shoe size,
smoooooooooth talker :lol:


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01 Sep 2008, 1:33 pm

Arbie wrote:
I have had a girl who happened to be an aspie who would not stop touching me, and it made me absolutely miserable. She was not attractive to me, however I once had this girl who was attractive do far more inappropriate things to me which made me even more uncomfortable. I have had women bump into me and all other manner of invasive things to get my attention and I don't have the social skills to handle it properly so when this happens it makes me very uncomfortable. (Can't a guy buy his groceries/eat at a buffet in peace?) I am a heterosexual male but that doesn't mean I want every moderately attractive female to be all over me everywhere I go. I might have a slightly different opinion if I had the proper social skills to deal with that but I don't know.

It isn't a male thing or a female thing, it is a respect thing, both yourself and others. You respect peoples privacy and their personal space, and respect yourself enough to insist they do the same for you. You must also understand that there is the whole physical intimidation factor that men can have over women that rarely happens in reverse. The typical man is physically stronger than the typical woman, it changes the entire dynamics of it. If a woman were to grab a man and try to drag him somewhere he could most likely free himself, this is less likely the case if a man were to do the same thing to a woman.

I agree, but this thread is going way out of the borders, im sure the sparked reason for this thread was probably for some annoying minor incident, nothing sexual or too touchy feely


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01 Sep 2008, 3:04 pm

Accidently bumping into someone is one thing and should be no issue ; pinching someone's body (especially if it considers breasts, buttocks etc ; the things that can NEVER happen accidently) is pure lack of respect and plain rude. When I hear "touching her" I don't interpretate that as accidently running into someone on the street, but as deliberately touching someone in a more intimate way. I would not want that neither and I am male, but if someone (regardless of gender) kisses me on the cheeck without asking or throws an arm around my shoulder I feel discomfort.

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01 Sep 2008, 7:00 pm

Social_Fantom wrote:
You have to admit though, there is a lot of generalizing toward women here. Women hardly stand a chance here. :?

You're right, and I'm going to start standing up for them more often. It's just hard sometimes because not everyone here is... some people are close to the edge. And I don't want to push them over it, you know?


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01 Sep 2008, 7:49 pm

AngryJessman wrote:
this thread is going way out of the borders, im sure the sparked reason for this thread was probably for some annoying minor incident, nothing sexual or too touchy feely

That may even be true, but in follow-up posts the OP has only grown more extreme in his objectification of other human beings, going so far as to claim that women he is attracted to should be obliged to have sex with him whenever he wants. That's not a 'minor' issue.


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02 Sep 2008, 5:18 am

LKL wrote:
AngryJessman wrote:
this thread is going way out of the borders, im sure the sparked reason for this thread was probably for some annoying minor incident, nothing sexual or too touchy feely

That may even be true, but in follow-up posts the OP has only grown more extreme in his objectification of other human beings, going so far as to claim that women he is attracted to should be obliged to have sex with him whenever he wants. That's not a 'minor' issue.

can you quote his words saying that? i missed it


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02 Sep 2008, 6:29 am

Go back 2 or 3 pages in the topic. He literally says women are TO BLAME because they are not fulfilling his sexual needs. It comes down to him saying they make him horny, so his mind longs for sex, but they do not give him free sex so they are to blame for that...

Go back 2 or 3 pages and read the posts.

I think such statements are either very bad humor, or if he is serious about this it is even more worrying. And it appears he was being serious, which makes it a bit creepy to be honest.

I would maybe agree if he would say women should not overreact when someone bounces against them in a busy street or so. But hey, I have had that a few times and never saw a woman getting angry for that. People sometime ran into me per accident, and although I do not like it I will not be angry. Those are accidents.
However, the OP was talking about deliberate touching rather than accidently bouncing against someone. That is a whole other concept. The deliberate touch means you are not respecting the persons physical integrity. Accidental bouncing is one thing, deliberate intentions to touch someone are plain rude when you do not know if the other person is accepting this to happen.

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02 Sep 2008, 7:09 am

""women are TO BLAME because they are not fulfilling his sexual needs. It comes down to him saying they make him horny, so his mind longs for sex, but they do not give him free sex so they are to blame for that""

This is a really scary way to think, its a rapists
point of wiew in many cases. This kind of thinking
really needs some serious afterthought.


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02 Sep 2008, 11:23 am

ImTheGuyThatDidThat wrote:
""women are TO BLAME because they are not fulfilling his sexual needs. It comes down to him saying they make him horny, so his mind longs for sex, but they do not give him free sex so they are to blame for that""

This is a really scary way to think, its a rapists
point of wiew in many cases. This kind of thinking
really needs some serious afterthought.

Well it certainly is a very selfish, somewhat narcissistic way of thinking but I honestly Dont think its how bona fide rapists actually think. The OP certainly said some outrageous things and may think in a way that others find outrageous but that
DOESNT make him a budding rapist unless he translate his thoughts into deeds. Theres a WORLD of difference between
talk and action you know.


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02 Sep 2008, 11:34 am

Methinks if the OP stopped going around and groping all the girls he wants to get with, they might consider talking to him instead of calling the cops.

You can't just *squeeze* a girl...not until after the third date at least.


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02 Sep 2008, 12:20 pm

Haliphron wrote:
ImTheGuyThatDidThat wrote:
""women are TO BLAME because they are not fulfilling his sexual needs. It comes down to him saying they make him horny, so his mind longs for sex, but they do not give him free sex so they are to blame for that""

This is a really scary way to think, its a rapists
point of wiew in many cases. This kind of thinking
really needs some serious afterthought.

Well it certainly is a very selfish, somewhat narcissistic way of thinking but I honestly Dont think its how bona fide rapists actually think. The OP certainly said some outrageous things and may think in a way that others find outrageous but that
DOESNT make him a budding rapist unless he translate his thoughts into deeds. Theres a WORLD of difference between
talk and action you know.

In many cases, not all - My point was
just that this kind of thinking really needs
some serious afterthought