Eccaba wrote:
I have an extremely high sex drive. I think I think about it as much and probably more than most men out there. The frustrating thing is I can't do anything about it. I know men are interested in sleeping with me, but I just can't bare wasting my time with stupid people. This always seems to be a sticking point too. I really need a fair amount of mental foreplay. I mean, intelligent sex with a real connection is so much more interesting than generic boring sex. On the other hand though, I'm not necessarily big into the idea of a serious dating, spending every second of our lives together kind of deal either. Its amazing too, when I am getting laid, which is rare, all my friends suddenly start commenting about how much nicer and happier I seem. Sexual frustration. Sigh.
Excuse me, but do people like this really exist? A girl with a healthy sex drive, who craves mental stimulation before/during sex and intimate connection, yet doesn't want serious dating and is actually nicer to people after having sex. You're like the perfect FWB.