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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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08 Oct 2010, 9:57 pm

I have no idea if I have already posted in this thread or not and I do not really care.

I am Charlie and live near Philadelphia. I have Asperger's, am very clumsy, cannot recognize faces and am unable to detect inner emotions. I do not know what my personality is like. Up until about a year ago I had no friends and was utterly isolated. Now I am on a quest for a girlfriend and to get in my first relationship. I am interested in history and want to become a history professor. I enjoy helping people with their problems. I have already met a girl on this website and while we decided we were not really right for each other I hope for more luck soon.

Emu Egg
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11 Oct 2010, 12:49 am

I'm Tick-Tock.. I don't know if I have Asperger's but I suspect I may and my mother seems to think so. I'm 21, female and a computer science major in college. Right now all I want in life is someone I can feel comfortable around. Sorry for the whining, have a nice day. :D


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11 Oct 2010, 11:34 am

Hey, I'm Judy! Yeah, not sure if I have AS or not but, the more I read about it and go out with "normal" people, the more I think I must.

I'm 31, been living here in Japan for 4 1/2 years. I can't speak Japanese though cuz I'm crap at learning languages. Always have been.

Sad, sorry stuff about me: I've never been in a relationship with one, nor had sex. I'd need someone really calm and thoughtful and patient to put up with me. I can't drive. I often wonder what the hell I should do with my life, cuz I really feel like I don't belong anywhere. The only people I get along with seem to have mental disorders.

Good stuff: I'm not on the street. I can work and take care of myself. I'm writing a novel right now about a girl with Asperger's, amongst other stuff. I'm really excited about it and I hope it works out in the end!

My interests: my iPod is my best friend, for real. I love music, movies, certain TV shows and books and I love memorizing pointless facts about pop culture. I feel shocked that no one gets them when I spout off quotes and instead get the reply "Judy, you're with normal people now."

When I was a kid my special interests were in anything tragic- The Titanic, The Black Death, serial killers, The Holocaust and so on. I have an obsession with really depressing stuff. When I was 15 I went to see "Dead Man Walking" with my dad and some ass behind us started laughing at a completely wrong moment. I felt it necessary to turn around and tell him off. I take art too seriously.

BYE! :)

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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15 Oct 2010, 11:59 am

Hello, my name is Caitlin Natasha Joanne Napier, but some of my nicknames are:
Madam Moo
Lazy Bones

I am 14, and live on a small-ish Island off the South Coast of England. I live with my mother, her boyfriend (who is a pr**k), and my 19 year old sister part time, when she isn't at university. My brother lives on the other side of the river we live next to, and my dad lives on the mainland. I see him once a month.

I am interested in animes like Pokemon and Dragonball Z, and I could talk about it all day. I am also interested in politics, medicine, geology and history, especially the world wars.
I love Harry Potter, and, regrettably, the Twilight saga.

Some of my good qualities are:
I am very honest
I am very loyal
I am innocent, so I will provide an unbiased and uninfluenced opinion
I am rarely intentionally hurtful

Bad things:
I am very gullible
Easily hurt
Easily manipulated
Emotionally unintelligent, and therefore in lack of control of my emotions.

I play the flute and recorder at grades 6 and 7, and play in three orchestras. It's my intense, apsie hobby.

I have recently aqquired a boyfriend, who is a month younger than me, and he has ADD. I hope it all goes well. :D

I have one amazing friend, who is all I need to get me though everything.

I hope to grow up, get a job with the coucil, get my own place, and have kids and get married one day.

Some people are autistic... deal with it!
Self-diagnosed female Aspie (AS- 171/200, NT- 26/200)


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16 Oct 2010, 10:12 am

I am 29 years old, am male, and live in Sweden. I have light skin, sea blue eyes and medium brown hair with natural stripes of blonde. I am fairly tall for Swedish standards (our food doesn't contain growth hormones, like in the US). I have a very "model-like" facial construction, very nice eyes for what suits a man, and even my hands are very beautiful and I am just incredibly attractive, overall, but my immensely different and idealistic personality means that the girls I have ended up interested in have turned elsewhere, with time, but whatever, their loss and mistake, really.

One of the a bit stranger parts with me is that I am obsessed with death and want to have a romantic suicide pact with my true love, whoever she is, in the future... that is, a few years after enjoying regular life with her, which also has its beauties. However, "death" is so much better and removes the limitations of this version of life. That is especially good when you, like me, are interested in gorey romance that isn't physically allowed in the present life. What a thought to be able to cut up your true love and slave to see her beautiful guts, and kiss them... among other things. My mind also is filled with many dark thoughts (separate from the liking of gorey romance), according to the standards of society. In my view, they are very good thoughts, and I love seeing myself in the mirror when I let these thoughts embrace my mind... my appearance changes and suddenly it's all just so right.

I guess it is fairly clear by the statements above that I am mildly psychotic. My views are so extreme that I'm concerned that I may get banned from here if I get into too much detail, and I hope that will not happen as this seems like a pretty nice place. Do feel free to click my www link to find out more about me, though, but if you get offended, I never threw that information into anyone's face. Hmm, anyway... what I can easily say is that I am an extremely romantic person, and I see that keeping your complete virginity for your true love, and your true love doing the same for you, is a fundament for your happiness, and a necessity as it causes the souls to join and become one as you give your virginity to your other half.

My interests mainly surround BDSM and sex under true love; none of which I can do, yet, due to my idealistically romantic views on virginity. I like some videogames, especially adventure games, and I enjoy reading hentai mangas, but also some shôjo mangas. My favourite kind of music is trance and metal. I am into photography quite a bit and I find myself to be incredibly talented. At the same time, cameras are one of my greatest concerns in life - I am very "paranoid", as others would call it, and I find it perfectly reasonable to thoroughly search for miniature cameras in places where you're going to undress, and avoid windows when you've undressed in case someone has a camera with a superzoom lens with maybe even a polarizing filter attached, directed towards it. I find it seriously horrible how most people - especially if it's girls - don't take this threat seriously - one cannot just assume that it won't happen to you - if it does and they put the photos of you naked on the Internet, it is irreversible.

I have always been quite a different individual, ever since I was little. When I was eight or nine, I already then thought about reincarnation, despite that no one had ever talked with me about it, before. Back then, I wanted to be a bird. I looked in bird books to see which bird I would become in my next life. Today I do, however, not want to be a bird, nor even a highly intelligent, bird-like being - I want to be like a human, still, due to the immensely beautiful sexual aspects of humanity, although being a far superior version would be quite good. Intellectually, I already see myself as starkly superior, however.... all my life it has been me and them. I feel totally separate from pretty much everyone else, and the majority of humanity disgusts me quite significantly. I have many times questioned what I am doing on this cursed planet when fate doesn't seem to allow me to find my true love, anyway. However, I try to remain optimistic, despite all my difficult experiences, since I need to remind myself of that somewhere, out there, is that one girl who indeed is just for me, that I can take care of and finally make happy. That day I will look back at my past, depressing experiences with girls, and be infinitely happy that all of it happened, as those past events lead me on the path to finding her.

Blue Jay
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19 Oct 2010, 5:11 pm

Hi, I'm Rob. I am 20 3/4 old. I am 5'10 barefoot, have short dark brown hair with one white hair over my right ear. I have a reddish brown (Yeah, i have no idea where it comes from either, lol.) goatee that I am constantly trying to keep neat (I'm losing that battle). I have eyes that match my hair.

I weigh in at about 279lbs on a good day. This does not surprise me, as I literally have big bones. I have a chest like a barrel and my bones are extra thick due to the copious amounts of vitamins that I take. Part of the reason I am overweight is my problem, but there are other contributing factors. I had to have surgery on my right eye when I was about four. I had to take steroids orally and through my eyes, which drove my parents nuts because it took my youngest older brother, my dad, and my mom to hold me down. Consequently, i was fighting a losing battle since day one, because my eye prevented me from going outside to exercise.

My verbal IQ is around 140, last time i was tested, and my general is around 120 (Maths and handwriting were the killer, lol.). I was speaking in full sentences by 18 months and reading shortly after.

I live in New Jersey in an apartment with my parents, younger sister, and older brother/roommate. I am just barely lower middle class. My parents are always telling me that I am going to make something of myself someday, which is nice I guess. I have a scholarly knowledge of literature, music, random facts, drugs, alcohol, and sex. First hand knowledge is not as extensive however. I have never had a girlfriend, or dated for that matter, and the last time I had a best friend was before i could grow a beard, so before I was eleven. My desire for friendship fluctuates, sometimes i feel lonely, other times not. I just want someone i can talk to who is not related to me and preferably is of the opposite sex, as I seem to get along better with them when it comes to sharing.

I love women in general. The way they look, how they sound, there is so much variety. I also have a respect for women, though i am not above calling them dumb in general when they do things that make no sense, like being friends with people they hate.

The popular girls at my High School did not know what to make of me, as i was really nice to them, but did not fawn over them. They were not used to a guy that they could not control, lol.

I would compliment girls to make them feel special, and they would misconstrue it as me wanting to date them. I would develop attachments to certain girls though, in that I enjoyed their company, but nothing ever happened outside of school. I have never been to a party with people my age once I turned 11, only three that my brother attended when i was older.
My personality changed on my 18th birthday, when i first smoked pot. I no longer worried so much and had more confidence when it came to socializing. I quit smoking pot two years later, having only done it off and on anyway.

My view became: "If they cannot accept me for who I am, screw 'em!"

I had four friends while I was in HS: Three were girls, one of which was a Russian who allowed me to carry her, which was always a laugh. And the last friend was a crazed Army guy who is now stationed in Korea and sends me shell casings and gifts from the front.

I have a habit of speaking quickly but articulately when I am excited. I can slow down for a pretty girl if I relaxed enough with her though, provided i do not have to look at her, lol. I also have a stress-induced stutter that mutes my voice, lol. I almost never use "like" as a link when i am speaking.

I am a very proficient writer ( I actually wrote my Senior paper while i was stoned at work in half an hour, i got an A- on the paper and a C+ on the presentation, see my stutter as to why.)

I take Adderall for my ADHD and anti-depressants to lower my heartbeat, which is raised by the former, lol.

I have the ability to listen, which is not something most Aspies have. I am actually more concerned with the health of others than my own. I also have a desire to make others happy and feel good about themselves. My insight can sometimes get me into trouble, as people do not really like it when you can see through their denial and not let it go.

I do not know what else to say, i am rambling. :lol:

Tufted Titmouse
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24 Oct 2010, 12:47 am

Hi, I'm Helen from Australia. I've never been diagnosed with AS but strongly suspect I have it or some other form of autism. At school I suffered from a lack of friends and was constantly being bullied and misunderstood. I had trouble sharing my toys and would often line my pencils up all colour-coded instead of using them. Growing up things have gotten worse. Even though I've got several university degrees, I have no luck finding a rewarding career or even job. People don't trust me. I can't count the times people have been put off by something I've said. I've been in job interviews where the interviewer has walked away in disgust after a simple question I made that I thought was normal. I've been fired from jobs because the people in the office didn't feel I melded well into the environment, even though I was always polite and nice to everyone. In fact, I'm one of the nicest people I know, very selfless and giving and generous... but somehow it feels like it's not enough for people to like being around me.

I'm in my 30s, unemployed and living at home and doing odd (sh**ty) jobs where I can get them. I like dancing, singing, acting, watching DVDs, researching stuff on the internet, reading and having coffee with the handful of friends I have. I have a handful of movies I watch again and again without getting tired of them: Cast Away, The Pianist, Kiki's Delivery Service and The Mirror Has Two Faces. I also have some obsessive interests, like oak trees, houses, cold rainy weather (I hate the heat), astrology, spirituality, God and the environment. I like all sorts of music but I'm in love with Adam Lambert. Somehow I feel he's speaking right to my heart when he sings. For someone who hasn't been in love for over 10 years, that's exciting for me. :) I have never had a partner even though people tell me I'm good-looking and funny and stuff. I think it goes back to being sexually abused as a toddler. My deepest wish is to win the Tattslotto so I can afford to get my own house and live by myself, preferably in a cold country. I keep my fingers crossed every week! :wink:

Nice to be here. :D


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31 Oct 2010, 10:51 am

BrickHorse wrote:
I'm Andy!
I draw, write, and compose.
I have an INCREDIBLY sick sense of humor and I will pretty much laugh at any offensive joke you can throw at me.
I am a Libertarian


This is the post I made in a forum. I think it would be better for you to read it. :)
I have a great sense of humor which is far better than that of NTs. However, till few years back I knew only literal humor and bit sexual without knowing what I call local language rules. Whatever troubles I have got into, and these were huge trubles, is because of lack of the knowledge of local language rules whose link one can see in my signatures. My advise to all aspie who are hyperactive and love humor: Be very carefull while making comments because much of what you say can have very bad sexual meaning in terms of local language meaning and you will eventually get debased when other will realize that you have a brain of 3-4 year old, and that process of realization by others about you will be hasten when they(NTs) will avenge by throwing witty comments(loaded with bad sexual humor) on you and you will not understand their meaning, and you are trying to be funny, you will end up as a fool like I did. Therefore, i advise every aspie particularly those having penchant for making witty statements to learn the local language skills and also mind reading/empathy. I believe these are two aspects of human interactions.


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04 Nov 2010, 5:28 pm

Hiya, my name is Elliot and I am 16 years old. Despite having a name that is usually given to boys...I am in fact a girl. I live in England and I have recently been diagnosed with AS. I've always been socially awkward and seen as a bit 'wierd'. When I was younger other kids liked to play games with each other, but my favourite playground activity was counting the holes in the school fence, every break and every lunch for two whole years. I've been obsessed with Harry Potter since I first picked up a Harry Potter book at 6 years old and people used to think it was kind of cute as a kid, but its less cute on a 16 year old. People often think I'm a lot younger than I am because I'm only 4'11", I look about 12 because I have short hair and no makeup (it makes me itch and long hair irritates me). Apparently I have a good sense of humour for an Aspie, my favourite TV shows are things like Blackadder, The Young Ones, Only Fools and Horses and Open All Hours (English sitcoms for those who don't know of them :) ) I am at college studying the International Baccalaureate Diploma which I like because I have finally found something academically challenging and also there are only 12 other people in my class (the IB diploma isn't very popular in England) :D Unfortunately, I apparently also act a lot younger than other kids my age as well. I have a tendency to get very distracted easily and forget things. I have a piece of paper stuck to the back of our front door to remind me what to take when I leave the house otherwise I forget and I often don't do things like homework or turn up for work because I get distracted. Luckily I work for my parents in a fish and chip shop so they understand.
I have trouble making friends but I have even more trouble keeping them because I'm so absent minded I'm not very good at sticking to things and remembering to turn up to stuff. I do have three good friends though that I have had since I was little and I also have five friends that share my obsession with sailing, two of which also have AS. Family is also really important to me and I live with my parents and my three brothers, two older and one younger. Don't know what else to say :)


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15 Nov 2010, 8:25 pm

CreativeInfluenza wrote:
Hi, I'm Helen from Australia. I've never been diagnosed with AS but strongly suspect I have it or some other form of autism. At school I suffered from a lack of friends and was constantly being bullied and misunderstood. I had trouble sharing my toys and would often line my pencils up all colour-coded instead of using them. Growing up things have gotten worse. Even though I've got several university degrees, I have no luck finding a rewarding career or even job. People don't trust me. I can't count the times people have been put off by something I've said. I've been in job interviews where the interviewer has walked away in disgust after a simple question I made that I thought was normal. I've been fired from jobs because the people in the office didn't feel I melded well into the environment, even though I was always polite and nice to everyone. In fact, I'm one of the nicest people I know, very selfless and giving and generous... but somehow it feels like it's not enough for people to like being around me.

I'm in my 30s, unemployed and living at home and doing odd (sh**ty) jobs where I can get them. I like dancing, singing, acting, watching DVDs, researching stuff on the internet, reading and having coffee with the handful of friends I have. I have a handful of movies I watch again and again without getting tired of them: Cast Away, The Pianist, Kiki's Delivery Service and The Mirror Has Two Faces. I also have some obsessive interests, like oak trees, houses, cold rainy weather (I hate the heat), astrology, spirituality, God and the environment. I like all sorts of music but I'm in love with Adam Lambert. Somehow I feel he's speaking right to my heart when he sings. For someone who hasn't been in love for over 10 years, that's exciting for me. :) I have never had a partner even though people tell me I'm good-looking and funny and stuff. I think it goes back to being sexually abused as a toddler. My deepest wish is to win the Tattslotto so I can afford to get my own house and live by myself, preferably in a cold country. I keep my fingers crossed every week! :wink:

Nice to be here. :D

Hey, you sound a bit like me. I'm also an Aspie in Australia. I have a couple of uni degrees, but I have trouble finding a decent, rewarding job with them. I work little casual jobs here and there, but it isn't really good enough income. I need something more permanent. I also live at home, and dream of winning the lottery or something. I have never been in a relationship ever. I'm a bit younger than you, at 28.

Welcome to the forum!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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29 Nov 2010, 2:03 am

I guess I should intro myself..

I'm 33 male, married w/ kid so been through the dating game as an aspie and come out relatively unscathed, so figure I may be able to help someone.

Work as an accountant, paying off house etc, have a degree, a post grad, did the "official proper" IQ test and got into Mensa which I found quite boring to be honest. I can hold grudges (biggest downfall) was a 5'8 person in Yr 12 High School, so was a bully magnet, thankfully I am a bit more physically imposing now (6'7) Have had a few obsessions, Mobile Phones, Football statistics, basketball (which wasn't so bad, played at a fairly high level, and no better feeling than encountering a PE teacher who made Yr11 hell for you, in an A grade match and dunking on him first possession :D ) I;m a natural antagonist, if someone leaves the door open, I WILL put my foot through it.

Besides all that, I am a protective father, and try to be a loving husband (although some of my Aspie traits can and do drive my other half nuts) The few posts I have read on here, I have realised a lot of ppl have Aspie far worse than I do, I'm lucky that most of the people who I have encountered in my life would have no idea I was any different to them.


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02 Dec 2010, 1:40 am

I would rather not use my name and age...
I LOVE life,I am such a happy person with so much to offer,but I'm not happy where I am.I am sick of being shackled to a university and an island,really truly just want to be out wandering,helping,loving and sharing in the world. Sharing yourself with others is the best experience for me, especially when you find somebody with that amazing potent positive energy as yourself. I've been lucky to find people like that, yet somehow they always all busy,or far away,or with somebody.
I love children,animals,nature,art,yoga,creating and sharing.I look forward to the day when I am freely living in nature with like minded hearts and souls, without anything we don't need...a bathtub,sink and toilet would be nice,though! I grew up in nature and I miss it so much.I feel so crippled by this existence at times..yet at others,I transcend it and my positive energy,love and my very resilient and pure heart connect me with amazing individuals.Unfortunately most of the time I am very shy, withdrawn,rushing around because I am not comfortable around many people or in environments I am not used to or prepared for.
I am scared of myself a lot of time,scared to do things, even though I know that's the only way I need to go in life,to push myself and get out there.
My favorite things are dancing,painting,writing, love.I am a yogi and hope to go through training one day,it is so expensive but I have my heart set on it.


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02 Dec 2010, 6:22 pm

I'm a 22 years old, single unemployed computer engineer.

I'm assuming I'm quite attractive, since I have had many from the opposite sex make advances toward me. But I consistently mess up every single opportunity I get by acting... you know... AS-weird. And somehow that makes the whole situation worse, because when you yourself destroy every possibility of finding someone, then you *really* only have yourself to blame for your loneliness.
I'm not ugly, I'm not dumb, I'm not an as*hole. I'm just a person with no confidence whatsoever, which translates to horribly awkward Aspergian behaviour toward any interested third-party.

So now I spend my days playing games on my computer, and sleeping.
FML. I can really see this ending badly somewhere down the road.


Sorry, didn't mean to darken the thread, but hey I guess I'm down on my luck..


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06 Dec 2010, 4:00 am

Im a 22 year old senior in college so I will be graduating soon. I was diagnosed with AS when I was 18 shortly after I came out of having selective mutism for almost 10 years. So my childhood was very lacking and mostly friendless which is probably the reason why I am diagnosed. I also have social anxiety. I feel like having AS and SA has been a double edged sword where its very limiting to a persons ability to make friends in abilities to expand their social circle. Making friends has always been an issue for me. Thats my biggest problem with AS. Recently, I feel its finally clicked in my head how to make friends. Its amazing how I just didn't figure this out in my head until now. I'm at the point in my life where I have finally been able to build my non-verbal communication skills where I can accurately gauge situations and see things that I havent been able to see in the past.

Im eventually hoping to. However one of my concerns is due to my AS and SA, it will be hard for me to form those connections in forming an adequate social circle in eventually finding Mr.Right. I was technically in a relationship when I was 19 but it was one of those stupid relationships where it doesn't really count as a meaningful relationship. Basically we were both despirate and we just decided to be together for the heck of it. The guy was actually a former member on the board. Thinking back, considering that he's been in so many relationships(supposedly) he should have known better. He was much older and very desperate. Now being much wiser, I somewhat see him as rather ridiculous. Since then, I've been more picker about getting into a relationship. I want things to feel right not like I know this wont last. Ive had a couple of offers but I declined due to certain reasons. Im hoping someday I'll end up in the right relationship, but Id rather be single then in the wrong relationship.


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09 Dec 2010, 6:19 am

i'm spencer - aware, intelligent, on a different planet, dark sense of humor. i have AS. i like to do all sorts of things. ive been to the top of the eiffel tower, paintballed, peace marched, built forts in the woods, made a crossbow, snorkeled with barracuda, and been to psychedelic level 4 on salvia divinorum. i'm 20.

some sh** about me...

i have relatively bad memory.

my favorite activities so far include: music, guitar, singing, songwriting, audio engineering, beat making, paintballing, snowboarding, martial arts, driving.

music: i listen to everything (that sounds good). the germs, the misfits, mac dre, wu-tang, the accused, samhain, dead kennedys, crass, slayer, sublime, choking victim, biggie, tupac, andre nickatina, black sabbath, the cramps, elvis presley, johnny cash, willie nelson, potbelly, beethoven, chopin, to name a few..

i don't smoke, and i drink occasionally

i mainly enjoy psychological, horror, action, and comedy movies. i watched eraserhead for the first time recently - simply fantastic. a few others - cache, the birds, psycho, saw, borat, austin powers, the matrix, grandma's boy, halloween, night of the living dead, dawn of the dead, evil dead 1 and 2, army of darkness, kick ass, etc.

not looking for as*holes and drama, stay the f*** out of my life. time, i did a front flip over the handlebars of a bmx and over a barb wire fence (accident) lol. i practice martial arts.

so if this sounds cool and excellent and what not then why not send me a message and begin actually getting to know me and we'll go from there. i'm looking for a down to earth, cute girl with AS. i'm rather shy too so if you are then im thinkin i'd very much like to hear from you, seriouslyy :)

my zip code is 98260. the closer you are, the better.

this is the best pic of me in the past year. i was about to post the current pic of myself in a suit, but i believe it to be too pg-13 for this forum. if you wanna see pm me or something


Emu Egg
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10 Dec 2010, 8:40 pm

My name is Anndrew. I'm 33 years old from Thailand .male. I'm working on weddings. But I have not married. On my free time doing on the Internet and play games. But go see the movie theater that's my pleasure.I graduated in Business Administration.Thailand has many attractions to visit that destination.I have many friends. I can give everyone good to me. Because I do good to them. I've never been diagnosed with AS.