The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Piobaire wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
You have to have something to offer. You can be short if you're financially successful, you can be ugly if you have musical talent, you can be broke if you're tall and athletic, and women will still be attracted to you. It is when you have nothing going for you that you get perpetually rejected as I have.
You certainly must have something else to offer other than the toxic miasma of egocentrism, misogyny, resentment, chauvinistic entitlement, perpetual victimhood, overwhelming self pity, and insatiable emotional neediness that the incel community appears to wallow and revel in like some sort of communal cesspit-cum-hot tub.
Are you implying that magnetowasright has "the toxic miasma of egocentrism, misogyny, resentment, chauvinistic entitlement, perpetual victimhood, overwhelming self pity, and insatiable emotional neediness" ?
Note that the topic is "Bigotry against involuntarily celibate men"; not "Bigotry against Magnitowasright", and I specifically referred to "the incel community"; I never mentioned the original poster by name or inference. Therefore I am writing in general rather than specific terms.
If any individual identifies with my comment above, that's their business. I hope that it will give them pause to reflect, and contemplating the role they play in their own self-inflicted unhappiness, they will choose modify their thinking and behavior accordingly.
Or they can personalize it and throw a temper tantrum.
In any event, it's unrealistic to s**t yourself, then sit there and cry because the world won't wipe your ass and change your nappies for you.
Last edited by Piobaire on 03 Dec 2018, 8:58 am, edited 3 times in total.