A nervous wreck. So much so, that if crushes were considered a bad thing, I'd probably classify encounters with my crush as panic attacks.
-I will not confess my feelings-(I've learnt the hard way, it surprisingly spreads around the school and I was bullied as a result)
- I will certainly not attempt to flirt with my crush. It doesn't feel right or natural for me to do so. It's just not going to happen.
However, I will quite splendidly act completely awkward
- Say the wrong and inappropriate things in attempts to create of humour
- Go completely blank mid-conversation, stammer or failing to speak at all sometimes
- My already dreadful eye contact will be reduced to 0%
And on top of that the normal symptoms of a crush
- Heavy/noisy breathing
- Tomato red skin
- Palpitations
- My stomach feeling like it is being flipped like a pancake
- Fidgeting
- Can't stop smiling when talking to them
Outside my face to face encounters I always feel the need to memorise their number plates, where they will be at what time and being overly excited for when I know I will encounter them. I would never do anything creepy or intrusive. I'm too shy to do that!

. one time my crush walked into the shop I work at and I had to serve her & mother, made min eye contact and felt sick the whole time. even afterwards I felt sick and shaken for ages.