sunshower wrote:
I think there are any number of reasons you may have gotten the response you did.
1. It depends on who you propositioned. If it was someone who gets propositioned a lot, they may react more harshly.
2. How you worded it. You said you were respectful, and I have no doubt you thought you were, but you may have come across in some really bad way without realizing it - if I know anything about AS it's that most of the time you come across as different to what you think you come across as, or are trying to come across as.
3. They may have felt overwhelmed, threatened, or invaded, and not known how to deal with your message. They may have experienced overwhelming anxiety and lashed out without thinking.
There are other reasons. Just don't take it personally.
First, thanks for responding
Although what you suggest about the wording is certainly possible, I doubt it in this case. I reviewed what I said and couldn't do any mental gymnastics which could cause it to be misinterpreted in that way. Furthermore, I've corresponded with about a dozen women on OK Cupid and have never gotten anything close to that reaction.
I tried not to take it personally, but it's difficult because their messages were quite personal and clearly intended to wound.
Not really a big deal to me, but I was hoping to understand what happened in order to avoid repeating it, I bear no ill-will towards the women involved whatsoever.