CaptainTrips222 wrote:
Dude, not to sound like a dick, but really overweight chicks usually are bi**hes.
It's not just really overweight girls, it's girls of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Whether a girl is skinny or fat, tall or short, if I don't meet their "standards", they won't give me the time of day. I know of one girl who loved attention, and only talked to the "bad asses". She wouldn't even acknowledge I existed. Most girls, I've noticed, go for the guys who are "bad asses". And "bad asses" typically have great social skills, and don't seem "weak" like I do. So no matter what size the girl is, they will usually act like a "bi**h", especially if you are nice to them.
In my experience, these kinds of girls that don't give me the time of day because I'm not a "bad ass", they usually have problems themselves, are typically not good people, and are very immature, whether the typical attractive body or overweight. Women that have given me the time of day, are good, genuine people, and enjoy my friendship, whether the typical attractive body or overweight.
trojan51 wrote:
Yeah overweight and obese girls often tell me I'm hot and ask me if I like curvy girls (they're not really curvy in reality, theyre fat) and I usually reject them as I don't want to be with someone who is overweight because I am thin so I expect the same.
You "expect the same"? You think you are so high and mighty, and feel that overweight women are not as "high and mighty" as you are, so they are not worthy of the "high and mighty" you?