Christine, and Lisa. But I know I can't be friends with either of them. They're away in other states attending other colleges now, and though I expressed interest in seeing them over the winter (when they were back down here for part of the time) they never responded.
It's so frustrating when you try so hard to make friends with people, people you KNOW are cool, people that, for once, you feel like you can actually relate to. And for a brief moment you succeed, only to find out that by the time you have, it's too late. You did all you could at the times that you could, but it wasn't enough.
Of course it wasn't...they were creeped out. I had a crush on both of them, best friends though they were, and by the time I was over Lisa and just wanted to be friends then it was almost the f*****g summer after senior year. As for Christine, god...the limerence persists.
One summer she promised she'd send letters, her preferred method of communication. The only letter I got was a postcard from Conzumel, a week before school started again. I ran into her again at school, and she promised more letters, and they never came, though she said she'd sent them. And they never came. And then, when I saw Pirates with her and Lisa (who had invited me, for she had finally found out, months late, that I was over her) and Lisa's boyfriend and Lisa's boyfriend's friend, I saw that Christine lived a block away from my house the whole freaking time, in a neighborhood where there is NOBODY else my age!
When Christine got MySpace, we traded messages, and finally it was as though I was finally getting those letters like she'd promised, even if they weren't the same ones. When she started college not long after, her letters became increasingly less frequent, until she stopped responding to my letters altogether. There were things I really wanted her to respond to, questions I had about the compassion she knew so well, the compassion I wanted so badly to have, but in the end she didn't even respond to any of it.
On the 22nd of December, Christine sent the most meager of messages. She was going to LA with Lisa's family, for the holidays. In my response, I subdued my cry for help. I was, and remain, in a crisis...hell, recently I felt suicidal for the first time since 4th grade. (I didn't tell her that, but....) Yet, she didn't reply. She didn't say anything. But she's been online, to enter political groups...and it just feels like...doesn't she care? Doesn't it matter that I'm in one of the worst times of my life? She told me that I needed to learn to trust, but all I can trust her to do is take forever to write back, if she ever writes back at all. And I miss her. I really, really miss her. Even if I didn't still have feelings for her, then I'd miss her, as a friend. I miss Lisa just as a friend, after all, even though she's been even more distant than Christine has.