Tequila wrote:
A big rule of thumb is to never, ever, use cologne to cover bad body odor. The two combine and the smell is atrocious. If you worry about body odor, then the first plan of action is to shower and clean yourself thoroughly whenever possible.
I clean myself daily, thank you very much. And I'll use as much cologne as I feel like. I've never had any complaints so far - although I do agree that it can be obnoxious if people go hugely overboard, I generally never get that far.
And I perspire during the day, not at the time of application.
I'm sorry, I wasn't intending to be offensive. Perhaps my language came across a bit strongly. I promise I was thinking literally and objectively, not subjectively of you being a person that is unclean or smells bad.
A lot of boys in high school that did have scent issues would attempt to cover it up with strong smelling cologne. The results were disastrous, to say the least...
anna-banana wrote:
the toxicity part is true, but it's also true that botox has been widely used in dermatology since the 80's, on actual living humans, and the reported fatalities are sparse (see here).
I do know this, however I didn't think botox had been around long enough to properly assess the long term repercussions on people. I suppose I could be wrong.
Into the dark...