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Snowy Owl
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07 Nov 2011, 12:39 pm

fraac wrote:
Hero, you get quite close to describing me in many places though you're lacking the gestalt - again, I'm not sure why you would assume otherwise. I've never felt envy because I don't see other people as rivals. I'm like Faith from Buffy: "Want. Take. Have." Really sure you should recheck why envy would affect a narcissist. It seems like a secondary symptom, like stimming is for autistics.

The problem comes in that you want to be a narcissist. You are making a hypothesis and bending the facts to fit the hypothesis as opposed to the other way around. That is not science and not a proper diagnoses. All you should do is describe how you feel and what you do, and not try to fit a label arbitrarily. Given what you have stated before, there are key elements that suggest you are not a narcissist. A narcissist would not want to classify themselves as one. It would be an insult to them.

Envy is Desire. That is all it really is. In fact in your quote you just described it. "WANT. Take. Have." That word is the same as envy. One does not require rivals, or in fact any other being in existence to have envy. All human beings have Envy, and this is not lost on the narcissist. They simply perceive that envy differently.

Also, "Want, Take, have" is not something limited to narcissism. Someone as simple as an egotistical or Ambitious person can have the same philosophy. That does not make them narcissist. It is only when certain traits are characterized in a specific way(See the list on previous page), that they are a narcissist.

I don't like seeing people being written off because of a label. It seems fear-based. If you get to know people they're harmless

I've given numerous details as to why narcissism is destructive. It is not simply writing something off. Narcissism is dangerous. The examples of historical figures exhibiting these traits was an example of that. If you don't know who those people are (Stalin, Mao, Qin, Nero) they are those who have committed the greatest acts of genocide, oppression, savagery and terror in all of human history. BAR NONE. Mao and Stalin killed many more than Hitler ever did. They also made committed many more heartless acts.

Most narcissists will not find themselves in positions to commit these acts. Their own self-image might not even relate. For example, A narcissist who believes he is the best pizza maker in the world, likely isn't going to be involved in anything similar. However, their delusion is still present. They also still do harmful acts. Whether that is Name-calling, intimidation, bullying, oppression, or manipulation, they are still doing things they should not be doing. Due to their narcissism they also will not recognize it, and will continue to do such acts.


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07 Nov 2011, 1:51 pm

narcissists are very silly people.
they impede progress with their attitude.

i can easily fire narcissist's. i think nothing of casting them out from my world. i have not met many of them, but i know that their illusions can never garner my respect, so i will not help them, and if i do not help them, then they will never pass the grade of my minimum employee requirements.

narcissists can make their own way through their life as far as i am concerned.


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07 Nov 2011, 2:07 pm

"Name-calling, intimidation, bullying, oppression"

These are secondary symptoms. A narcissist who is as strong and beautiful as they believe would radiate love, because they could afford to and it would be the smartest way to get adoration. Think about it. You still haven't imagined how an autistic narcissist would appear. I suggest you look at Jesus. The combination is eminently possible given that narcissism is a defence from childhood abuse and autism is a completely unrelated genetic condition.

I don't know why you're disagreeing. I match 8 out of 9 traits and I don't envy anyone I don't see as a rival. Sounds textbook to me.


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07 Nov 2011, 2:24 pm

fraac wrote:
"Name-calling, intimidation, bullying, oppression"

These are secondary symptoms. A narcissist who is as strong and beautiful as they believe would radiate love, because they could afford to and it would be the smartest way to get adoration. Think about it. You still haven't imagined how an autistic narcissist would appear. I suggest you look at Jesus. The combination is eminently possible given that narcissism is a defence from childhood abuse and autism is a completely unrelated genetic condition.

I don't know why you're disagreeing. I match 8 out of 9 traits and I don't envy anyone I don't see as a rival. Sounds textbook to me.

goodness gracious me. i can not say what i think because i am on notice by moderators to not reply to threads in love and dating (and also the haven)..

so there one goes.


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07 Nov 2011, 2:50 pm

Not so much narcissism as self confidence. there is a line of chalk easily swept away between the two.

For me, i love myself. but deep down and i feel safe putting this up on a forum amung fellow as people i hate myself and most of my braggarting in the real world is falsified con man tactics in attempt to eventually trick myself...

so there you have it. but also i have my fair share of ladies, no doubt from this same self pride.

i make a point to draw attention to myself especially when i am doing things i do best. i use my innert as abilities to stand above the average people and often astonish the surrounding women with my natural ability to be "refreshingly honest" as they say...

So yes, in short loving oneself can attract others. but so can money, fame, family (pre arranged marriages), and in general stunningly good looks...

also I am an actor/writer for the same self hating reasons. i don't feel loved until i am "loved" ...

hope this helped...


"The world is dying; time to suit up"

Snowy Owl
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07 Nov 2011, 2:57 pm

fraac wrote:
"Name-calling, intimidation, bullying, oppression"

These are secondary symptoms. A narcissist who is as strong and beautiful as they believe would radiate love, because they could afford to and it would be the smartest way to get adoration. Think about it. You still haven't imagined how an autistic narcissist would appear. I suggest you look at Jesus. The combination is eminently possible given that narcissism is a defence from childhood abuse and autism is a completely unrelated genetic condition.

I don't know why you're disagreeing. I match 8 out of 9 traits and I don't envy anyone I don't see as a rival. Sounds textbook to me.

A narcissist has no reason not to use those if those become necessary. They don't care about others, or register them as a unique entity with worth, and therefore have no reason NOT TO USE these things. Whether a narcissist uses these specific actions or not is irrelevant. They will do something that is harmful. A narcissist at the very least has to be willing to use these things, whether they ever do or not.

Classical History - link

Here is a more generalized history on narcissism. It has numerous philosophies regarding it, more vernacular versions, history etc.
What you call autistic narcissism, has already been surmised. They call it Healthy Narcissism.

Healthy Narcissism - link

There is one problem with this philosophy. Not only is it problematic with the subtleties of a true narcissist, it is in fact down right incorrect. This is why these traits are not listed under the DSM for Narcisstic Personality Disorder. All those things labeled under positive narcissism are in fact elements not related to narcissism at all. A person with ambition or ego can have them. Positive narcissism as they are labeling in classical philosophy is actually Healthy ego. Not narcissism.

There is nothing listed in Healthy Narcissism that can't be described using concepts such as ego, ambition, self-importance, confidence, assertiveness, etc. What is described as healthy narcissism here is actually just a person with a positive ego.

The smartest way to get adoration may be to help others, but your forgetting that narcissists are not logical. They will not be able to decipher that reality. There will always be some catch whereby giving anything to anyone else, makes them weaker. That will prevent them from ever being truly benevolent. You keep equating narcissism with Jesus. You should not do this. There is nothing to suggest that Jesus was narcissistic. Human at best, with some selfless and selfish traits. Unless you go by the idea of the Holy Trinity and the god-form, in which case he would be supremely selfless and benevolent and therefore the complete opposite of a narcissist.

As for this statement:
The combination is eminently possible given that narcissism is a defence from childhood abuse

Please explain to me how you came to this conclusion. If you reread the page on Possible causes for narcissism.
NPD - link

The cause of this disorder is unknown

The cause of this disorder is unknown

The cause of this disorder is unknown

If you go to possible causes currently being evaluated as causes:

An oversensitive temperament at birth is the main symptomatic chronic form
Being praised for perceived exceptional looks or abilities by adults
Excessive admiration that is never balanced with realistic feedback
Excessive praise for good behaviors or excessive criticism for poor behaviors in childhood
Overindulgence and overvaluation by parents
Severe emotional abuse in childhood
Unpredictable or unreliable caregiving from parents
Valued by parents as a means to regulate their own self-esteem

All the bolded not only don't match your cause, but all but one completely contradicts your statement that emotional abuse is the cause.
Only the two Non-bolded entries fit your description for a possible cause, and one of them only does in-so-much it could be indirectly potential neglect.

I match 8 out of 9 traits

Remains to be seen. I have twice before asked you to elaborate on each of the 9 points as to why you believe you are a narcissist. You have failed to do so. And knowing that a narcissist would generally take the claim that they are a narcissist as an insult, combined with what you have stated about yourself previously, would result in the conclusion that you are not a narcissist.


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07 Nov 2011, 3:19 pm

Maybe if you think in Game Theory terms it would help. Hurting people ('defecting') provides a very short-term advantage. An autistic narcissist can see the game in higher dimensions and know to use strategies that involve being nicer - but the aim of maximising personal win remains the same. Can you see how that would work?

Snowy Owl
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07 Nov 2011, 3:27 pm

fraac wrote:
Maybe if you think in Game Theory terms it would help. Hurting people ('defecting') provides a very short-term advantage. An autistic narcissist can see the game in higher dimensions and know to use strategies that involve being nicer - but the aim of maximising personal win remains the same.

Well unless you can provide more information on yourself I can't really elaborate further.

However, to give you one last bit of information.

know to use strategies that involve being nicer - but the aim of maximising personal win remains the same

is common to most people. It has nothing to do with narcissism. Virtually every being in existence is attempting to maximize their personal gain. If you don't believe this, than I suggest you look at people more carefully and attempt to gauge their personality and motivations. Even the seemingly more altruistic mindsets still tend to have a small element of self and gain attached to it in some way. This manifests itself in different ways for different mindsets and different people, but it exists in everyone.


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07 Nov 2011, 3:33 pm

Is there a reason you can't play along and imagine an autistic narcissist? Something about your thought patterns precludes that kind of speculation? You have intimate knowledge of autism and you have wiki knowledge of narcissism. Put them together, see what happens.

Snowy Owl
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07 Nov 2011, 3:55 pm

fraac wrote:
Is there a reason you can't play along and imagine an autistic narcissist? Something about your thought patterns precludes that kind of speculation? You have intimate knowledge of autism and you have wiki knowledge of narcissism. Put them together, see what happens.

Given your description for autistic narcissism I gave the link to the healthy narcissism philosophy. Most of your concepts already exist. They would in reality be classified under a form of ego.

If we were to extend that out to a different hypothesis for a merging of the two traits, we would first need to know some information that is unavailable to us. The first being: Is an autistic narcissist even a possible diagnosis?

Given that the two are virtually diametrical opposites it may not be possible. However, if we were to assume that narcissism has no relation to a specific brain wiring, but instead are merely traits that develop in a normal brain until they run rampant, what you could even end up with likely would have no relationship to your current description of an autistic narcissist. In fact, the merging personality traits would almost certainly require a completely seperate set of traits to diagnose, and would look nothing like either narcissism or autism.

If you classify narcissism in this respect as happening after birth, and environmentally influenced, than that makes autism the dominant behavorial personality. Therefore, narcissism would be twisted around the common traits of autism. If it was even possible, you would likely end up with an extremely obsessed(beyond ocd or autistic obsession), universal-loving or environmental-loving semi-altruistic sycophant with an intense desire to rearrange the entire world, believing the cosmos expected it of him, also believing that he would be an extension of it. Rather than seeing themself as the greatest...they would put emphasis on something in existence, or some idea, which is shared universally in part by everyone. Therefore, this universal idea/item should be accepted and revered, and they being an extension of it, are merely bringing it to its greatest glory, and therefore bringing him/her to enlightenment.

It would be like looking at some mixture of abrahamic, buddhist and hindu style philosophy, combined with object reverence, that somehow relates back to the individual in question, and to some degree everyone else. It would be reality warping in a different way to the normal narcissist, and likely would push self-reverence off the threshold as criteria. Without a lengthy summary and ample time, I could not even begin to imagine what crazed delusion such an individual would have.

This is also assuming it would not distort the basic principles of each further than that. If it did distort an individual's mindset to a greater degree, than there is simply no way of determining how such a person would act without having a better understanding of the normal human mind, the autistic mind, the narcissistic mind, and the brain and brain systems in general.


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07 Nov 2011, 4:03 pm

I have to say that was a really good effort. Apart from 'sycophantic' I think you're very close.

Rather than seeing themself as the greatest...they would put emphasis on something in existence, or some idea, which is shared universally in part by everyone. Therefore, this universal idea/item should be accepted and revered, and they being an extension of it, are merely bringing it to its greatest glory, and therefore bringing him/her to enlightenment.

God is love.


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07 Nov 2011, 4:10 pm

I assumed you were ugly Bluto :wink:


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07 Nov 2011, 4:26 pm

Cult leaders are narcissists. They are the best example of what makes narcissists attractive. They are a shortcut for their followers to feeling good about themselves. Each of the followers think: "if he (the narcissist) accepts me, I must be o.k."