TeaEarlGreyHot wrote:
Once again, I am not atypical. If I were, there wouldn't be TONS of other women complaining about EXACTLY THIS ISSUE. Your determination to set me apart from the rest in order to protect your delusions is really getting on my nerves. Just quit speaking to me if it's all you have to offer.
Preprogrammed RoboCaveman Response v. 3.0
Anything that destroys the model must be rejected.
The model must survive, above all else.
A life without a model is like a child in a pool without a float - who realises it's too deep. Fear of breathing malfunction.
Woman < a false canvas that can be projected onto - until the truth hits - divorce, reboot model
Continual loop until death, an escape from the living death
Resistance is futile * Resistance is futile * Resistance is futile - everything must be reduced meep meep dehumanise meep