FrankiDelano wrote:
punkguy378 wrote:
I am actually sick of these stereotypes. It is like saying there are good people on one end and bad on the other. People are multi-faceted. There is good and bad in every person. No one person is pure "good" or pure "bad".
But I do understand that "bad boy" means a certain thing that generally gets twisted around by different people. "Bad boy" does not really mean bad person or you are a jerk. If you are a jerk you are just a jerk. The bad boy thing means something different than that to me. To me bad boy means someone who is a rebel. The whole "bad boy" to me means like an outlaw (not in the criminal sense necessarily). Someone who breaks rules. An outcast pretty much. Someone who is an individual and separates themselves from everyone else. I always think of mainly Mike Ness from Social Distortion when I think of a "bad boy". I associate "bad boy" as a certain style and behavior set.
I also would say a "bad boy" is someone who stands up for themselves and is not passive or passive-aggressive. They are usually more aggressive a type of person who will beat you up if you look at them the wrong way. The kind of guy who if you talk to their girl they will have a problem with you. They may try to fight you. lol. Basically they are the kind of guy who does not sit on the sidelines and they are larger than life. They have a hard more rugged personality as well. Rough around the edges. Dangerous in some way. Mysterious.
The question is not really whether a "bad boy" is a bad person. Because that is the point that seems lost to some people especially aspies. They think they have to be a jerk or something which is not what "bad boy" means. "bad boy" does not mean treat your woman like crap. That does not work in the long run. Because this is not a true "bad boy" if you do this then you are more like a douchebag.
I'm going to ignore the sudden war that erupted on here over night cause I just laughed it off. But I'd like to go back to the first point you brought up.
I don't believe bad boy necessitates a douche as well. I agree people are multi-faced, no one is truly good or bad. I can stand up for myself against man and women, I take what I want when I want, but I am also a loving soul, I am charitable I believe in giving back, but I am also a thief, a liar, and a pessimist. I am trying to prove anything? No. I am just simply pointing out that I am human, just like you and OctoberTiger, you two proved how human we can be by showing how susceptible we are to petty squabble, but also how quickly conflict can be resolved.
I think you have a place in this world, so do I, so does everyone. Otherwise why wouldn't we be here?
To err is only human. I can now laugh at this entire situation and hope that I learned something. I am not trying to save my own ego in this. It is just about admitting I was wrong. I have to keep my side of the street clean so to speak. I mean most don't know but I learned to admit my faults in AA. It is not out of ego. Humility is not about ego. I am no saint and I never will be.
Anyways, I too am a giving person who somehow has lost his way. And I am still trying to make it back.
There is no black-and-white, only good, only evil. They both exist because it has to be that way. No one really knows why. I don't believe that it some vengeful god, that is a bunch of bull. The world really has no reason for anything just like nature does not care about humans. Humanity is like nature is just exists for some reason. And when we die we go somewhere maybe, but who really knows.
Anyways enough of this serious talking.