The Cure for Nice Guy Syndrome

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14 May 2014, 12:48 pm

"Over sexed," is a relative term - relative to what you consider a normal amount of sex. Whatever your reference point, it doesn't automatically apply to the entire world or the entire society within which you live.

I never said that it applies to the whole world or to everyone. Are you from a different country?

Sex has always been considered a rite of passage for those who are strong/type A/competitive - the winners. We've evolved that way for the perpetuation of the species via the strongest genes surviving and the weak not being able to procreate. It's the same in any animal species in the animal kingdom. This should not come as a surprise to you.

Are we nothing but animals or are we more than just animals? Just because we evolved from this does this mean we should go this way? Should we not be better? Did we not evolve to choose to reject these animalistic based instincts and to embrace higher order based and spiritual based thinking.

If you're not getting laid, whether by choice or not, no one can possibly make you feel like sh** but you. Emotions are dictated by thoughts, so if you feel like sh** it's because you're thinking sh***y thoughts and no one can think your thoughts but you. Stop blaming others and figure out how to improve your own thoughts, as you'll feel better for it.

*Sighs* First, I am married so this does not apply to me at all. Of course emotions are dictated by thoughts but where do thoughts come from? Thoughts come from one's interpretation of reality. Change the reality that you are in by bringing meaning to one's own life by spinning one's own straw into gold. Read Poetry, go to the beach, improve one's career, write fanfiction, have fun. Live life to bring value to oneself and to others and not to satisfy some other person's agenda. If one scorns you for not getting laid or attempts emotional manipulation to make you feel like s**t then reject it. If one wants to live off the grid then do it. Reject this whole focus on getting laid that our over-sexed culture promotes. Change the desire.

I'm writing fanfiction for heck of it and my wife and I are doing a non-profit.

Nice guys are necessarily Hustlers. But they could be. Usually what people refer to as nice guys are the weak/passive/timid who would bend over backwards to do something for others but can't seem to have social/dating/sexual success - largely because they haven't figured out the they're the opposite of the strong/dominant/aggressive/competitive/winning/alpha male type that women/potential partners find attractive.

Why are these my only two options to go by?


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14 May 2014, 12:49 pm

CynicalWaffle wrote:
starvingartist wrote:
Aaendi wrote:
On the contrary, you can also be labeled as desperate for revealing your intentions from the beginning.

if one's intentions are desperate and grasping and wheedling, then does one not deserve the label? :lol:

That kind of misses the point, though. The point is that in today's society, being frank and direct is verboten. You have to beat around the bush. You go up to someone and say, "hey, I like you and I would like to date you," what do you think is gonna happen? It has nothing to do with being desperate. It has EVERYTHING to do with people not wanting to be direct, nor wanting others to be direct. If you're direct, it means commitment, and commitment scares the sh** out of people.

Overgeneralizing much?

If a women finds "hey, wanna go on a date?" to be too direct, than you're better off without her. There are plenty of women (and Men) who value directness. Aspies shouldn't be wasting thier time on girls who don't.


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14 May 2014, 12:53 pm

CynicalWaffle wrote:
starvingartist wrote:
Aaendi wrote:
On the contrary, you can also be labeled as desperate for revealing your intentions from the beginning.

if one's intentions are desperate and grasping and wheedling, then does one not deserve the label? :lol:

That kind of misses the point, though. The point is that in today's society, being frank and direct is verboten. You have to beat around the bush. You go up to someone and say, "hey, I like you and I would like to date you," what do you think is gonna happen? It has nothing to do with being desperate. It has EVERYTHING to do with people not wanting to be direct, nor wanting others to be direct. If you're direct, it means commitment, and commitment scares the sh** out of people.

it does not miss the point at all, actually. if your intentions are sh***y and you are direct about them, people might not respond well to you.


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14 May 2014, 1:03 pm

tarantella64 wrote:
cubedemon, the hustle goes back to forever, it's not something that suddenly developed in 20th-c. America. That's why the punishment for having screwy weights in your shop was death. You can read old hustle stories in the Torah, for crying out loud. Slave for a chick for 7 years? Done. Or something about a blind daddy on his deathbed and a birthright.

True hustling was a part of the culture but there were other things that different cultures valued. Here in the USA, Business is our business.

I'm guessing that somewhere in the motive for nicing women into sex is the fact that sex generally feels pretty fantastic.

This is a good reason but to me it is not the reason.

Also you can blame Christianity for w*k shame. If you're talking about young men, though, or young women, of course they want to try it, and of course they're going to be clumsy as hell about how they go about getting there. It's built up as the defining experience of adulthood, and not for no reason. You don't get children without it (generally), you don't become the parent generation without it, and there's a tremendous amount of ritual around it for that reason. "You have to trick the girl into it" is probably one of the most damaging notions we've got, but you're talking about very stupid and hormone-raddled post-children, and now that I think about it, it's responsible for the whole idea of sluts. After all, if you don't get to enjoy the idea that you made it happen, you got the win -- if she just fell into your lap on her own -- then the guy doesn't get to feel like such a champ.

Of course it is damaging.

Function of utter cluelessness. John Irving really had the right idea: what young men who aren't figuring it out for themselves really need are smart prostitutes. Someone a little imposing and classy, older, who'll teach them how to behave like a person in sex and to understand that they'll damn well respect the woman they screw. Getting there not a sure thing, but not utterly bewildering, either. It's in Robertson Davies, too, if polluted by Canadian primness. Must be a generational thing. Too bad the idea's gone away -- requires either less or more sexual frankness than we've got now, I guess.

Not a bad idea.

Me, I was very lucky. Most of my sexual firsts were with a very sweet young man, and, now that I look back, I see that his hallmates -- who were also my friends, and protective of me -- approved of and were protective of the whole relationship, gave us space, let us be. I doubt very much he was egged on to go any faster than I wanted to go. It's hard to imagine most of them laying down locker-room assholery and impossible to imagine his being receptive to it. (I later found out that they'd been a sort of big-brother posse, and had actually shown up en masse at the door of a guy I'd dated earlier, gave him to understand he'd be treating me well. He disappeared pretty fast.) But it's not as though I had any clue, either. I think it's a much better thing, this sexual openness, so that daughters can talk to mothers and aunts rather than relying on utterly ignorant friends and whatever garbage is online.

Maybe you're right. I just think we should think about other stuff. To me, American society is just to sensate. To me, there has to be a lot more than just empirical reality. I just feel like American culture is all about style and no substance. It's like everything is bland and there is no color. Is this truthfully all there is? What is beyond?


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14 May 2014, 1:08 pm

starvingartist wrote:
CynicalWaffle wrote:
starvingartist wrote:
Aaendi wrote:
On the contrary, you can also be labeled as desperate for revealing your intentions from the beginning.

if one's intentions are desperate and grasping and wheedling, then does one not deserve the label? :lol:

That kind of misses the point, though. The point is that in today's society, being frank and direct is verboten. You have to beat around the bush. You go up to someone and say, "hey, I like you and I would like to date you," what do you think is gonna happen? It has nothing to do with being desperate. It has EVERYTHING to do with people not wanting to be direct, nor wanting others to be direct. If you're direct, it means commitment, and commitment scares the sh** out of people.

it does not miss the point at all, actually. if your intentions are sh***y and you are direct about them, people might not respond well to you.
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14 May 2014, 1:21 pm

starvingartist wrote:
the heart of it seems to me to be that many males don't seem to see any benefit to having female friends other than that they might someday get to sleep with them. why can't men find value in the idea of having a friend who is a woman that they are not sexually attracted to--you know, someone to talk to, hang out with, and share ideas and stuff without having sex? seems to me that many young males have trouble recognising that females that they're not physically attracted to are real whole people and might be worth their attention as human beings, and not sex-vending machines into which one inserts "kindness" to get p***y.

These are very good questions. Why do males have this skewed and warped view of women? Maybe it is instinct of some kind or is it what is promoted in our culture? Why can't a male and female be good friends? I believe they can and should. This is why I'm telling males to stand up and reject this nonsense in our culture to develop themselves, get awesome hobbies, go to the beach, cultivate deep and profound friendships with males and females. Reject this whole idea that one has to have sex for this rite of passage, stand up to the culture by going your own way, and by doing your own thinking.

If a guy truthfully values a particular woman and does want to date her then he can ask her. Don't try to get laid because one wants to be popular, be cool and fit in. This popular culture is a form of authority. I'm with Timothy Leary when he says to question authority. Authority does not just entail the law, religious authorizes but what is popular as well. An excellent movie of what I'm talking about that is a good example is Ferris Bueller's Day Off. He not only questioned the school authority but questioned the authority of the jocks, stoners, and other popular groups as well. Why does one always have to have sex to have a good time. Why does one always have to get high to have fun? If one wants to see a play by Shakespeare and get cultured then do that. Question all authority and think for yourself and spin your own straw into gold as long as we bring benefit to ourselves, our fellow man and harm not our fellow man.


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14 May 2014, 1:34 pm

Geekonychus wrote:
Overgeneralizing much?

If a women finds "hey, wanna go on a date?" to be too direct, than you're better off without her. There are plenty of women (and Men) who value directness. Aspies shouldn't be wasting thier time on girls who don't.

I agree. If the girl says no, it simply means she is not interested in you. Not every girl out there will be a good match for you based on your personality.


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14 May 2014, 1:42 pm

What happened to kissing and hugging anyway?


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14 May 2014, 1:43 pm

AspieOtaku wrote:
starvingartist wrote:
CynicalWaffle wrote:
starvingartist wrote:
Aaendi wrote:
On the contrary, you can also be labeled as desperate for revealing your intentions from the beginning.

if one's intentions are desperate and grasping and wheedling, then does one not deserve the label? :lol:

That kind of misses the point, though. The point is that in today's society, being frank and direct is verboten. You have to beat around the bush. You go up to someone and say, "hey, I like you and I would like to date you," what do you think is gonna happen? It has nothing to do with being desperate. It has EVERYTHING to do with people not wanting to be direct, nor wanting others to be direct. If you're direct, it means commitment, and commitment scares the sh** out of people.

it does not miss the point at all, actually. if your intentions are sh***y and you are direct about them, people might not respond well to you.

Heres how it really goes!


I'm sure I pointed this out before, but: that is not "women logic". That is "person with chronic low self esteen logic". If you think they are one and the same, I suggest you reflect on why that might be.

Of course, it's probably quite a bit more complicated than that.

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14 May 2014, 1:51 pm

cubedemon6073 wrote:
With "serial nice guys" I'm inclined to think it's more a relationship. There is a certain type of faking niceness in the short term for sex, I see it in guys all the time.

What is the reason they do this? What is the heart of all this? It is our over-sexed, competitive culture in which people try to use and outdo each other that is the problem. Sex is considered a rite of passage in our culture and if one doesn't get it, can't get it, or chooses not to have sex until marriage he is made to feel like sh**.

Look at what you said Hale_Bopp and what you said Dantac.

hale_bopp wrote:
I've pretty much given up on life, love and the hope of good people, and part of me just wants to go down this route.

Do you two see nothing wrong with what you said? Do you see how insane and crazy this is? If one feels like one has to be this hustler and get one over on others and this is truthfully how the culture is and success only comes from living this way then the culture is f**** up. This nice guy syndrome is one part of the interwoven fabric of this business oriented, hustling based culture. A nice guy is really another form of a hustler. Yet, both you and Dantac would play the same game as the nice guy but in a different form. It is the culture that is screwed up.

There are probably as many analyses and critiques of the situation/culture as you can shake a stick at. I dont think Nice Guys are all that new. I don't think people or cultures ever really come to a settled relationship with sex.

That said, I think you're present concerns are related to capitalism, the media (which mediates) and advertising/marketing.

Sex has always been considered a rite of passage for those who are strong/type A/competitive - the winners. We've evolved that way for the perpetuation of the species via the strongest genes surviving and the weak not being able to procreate. It's the same in any animal species in the animal kingdom. This should not come as a surprise to you.

Only throughout history an awful lot of non 'alpha' people have shacked up and procreated quite succesfully. Often times they've had more kids than the 'alpha' people.

There's a lot of theories that make evoke some notion of 'evolution' or 'biology' that, if actually reflected on for a few seconds, quickly reveal themselves to be very poor at capturing and covering the facts of experience.

Nice Guys are jerks. Just like the jerks they insist women always go for at the expense of the nice guys the Nice Guys think they are (untrue, but still). They just try to hide their jerkiness behind some veil of 'niceness', or because they in some way want to think of themselves as 'better' than the jerks who are open and direct in their jerkness. They try and make a positive character trait out of their failure to be openly jerky.

There are many, many, many decent, kind, thoughtful etc men who date and marry and procreate. The Nice Guys get hung up on the openly jerky because that's what they really want to be. They just suck at it, so go the more passive-aggressive route.

Of course, it's probably quite a bit more complicated than that.

You know sometimes, between the dames and the horses, I don't even know why I put my hat on.


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14 May 2014, 3:28 pm

I will give an example from my personal life of what I did.

In one of my classes, when I went to college a while back, I thought this young lady liked me. I did not know if she did or did not. I finally said one day to myself that this is insane. In high school I never knew if a young lady liked me or not. I finally decided to clear the air and asked her to the movies and she told me that she had a bf. It was like a relief that washed over me. At least I knew and everything was up front.

I said "okay, that's cool" and moved on about my day. After class, I studied for a bit, ate some pizza for lunch, played StarCraft and went to my next class. I just went and enjoyed the rest of my day and at the end of the semester I got A's in my classes as well. My goal was to clear the air of mystery and get it off of my mind. I was able to enjoy my studying, pizza, and my game. Moral of the story is quit worrying about all of this BS, if you think a woman likes you and you like her, ask her out. If she says yes, then awesome you have a date and if she says no then continue to have an awesome day. Don't let sex, friendship zone, nice guy ruin your good time and think for yourself and reprogram your mind.

My point is question authority, spin your straw into gold, have an awesome time and go to Canter's Deli and get a Pastrami on Rye.


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14 May 2014, 4:27 pm

Hopper wrote:
AspieOtaku wrote:
starvingartist wrote:
CynicalWaffle wrote:
starvingartist wrote:
Aaendi wrote:
On the contrary, you can also be labeled as desperate for revealing your intentions from the beginning.

if one's intentions are desperate and grasping and wheedling, then does one not deserve the label? :lol:

That kind of misses the point, though. The point is that in today's society, being frank and direct is verboten. You have to beat around the bush. You go up to someone and say, "hey, I like you and I would like to date you," what do you think is gonna happen? It has nothing to do with being desperate. It has EVERYTHING to do with people not wanting to be direct, nor wanting others to be direct. If you're direct, it means commitment, and commitment scares the sh** out of people.

it does not miss the point at all, actually. if your intentions are sh***y and you are direct about them, people might not respond well to you.

Heres how it really goes!


I'm sure I pointed this out before, but: that is not "women logic". That is "person with chronic low self esteen logic". If you think they are one and the same, I suggest you reflect on why that might be.

Yeah, the video isn't believable at all. Totally lame.

AspieOtaku, stop posting lame videos.


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14 May 2014, 6:07 pm

Aaendi wrote:
What happened to kissing and hugging anyway?

You could always try the Love Shack:


Huggin' and a-kissin',
Dancin' and a lovin',
Wearin' next to nothing
Cos it's hot as an oven

Of course, it's probably quite a bit more complicated than that.

You know sometimes, between the dames and the horses, I don't even know why I put my hat on.


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14 May 2014, 7:00 pm

If you're not getting laid, whether by choice or not, no one can possibly make you feel like sh** but you. Emotions are dictated by thoughts, so if you feel like sh** it's because you're thinking sh***y thoughts and no one can think your thoughts but you. Stop blaming others and figure out how to improve your own thoughts, as you'll feel better for it.

I have further questions about this goldfish.

1. One has a sub-conscious right? If one has a sub-conscious then how are all thoughts originated by the person in a conscious way?

2. Let's say one has faulty premises and does not even know he has faulty premises. How can one choose to think different thoughts and come to better thinking if one's thinking is skewed and he doesn't realize it is skewed? How can one choose to use a faulty mind to derive better thoughts both if he knows the thoughts are faulty and if he doesn't know the thoughts are faulty?

3. You say no one can think my thoughts but me and I will accept this to be true. Even if it is true how can one use faulty thoughts to get to sound thoughts?

4 If my thoughts which were faulty in the first place how is it reasonable, logical and sensible to expect one without any guidance or help to think better thoughts.

5. Let's the person receives help. How does the person who has faulty thinking make sure the information he is receiving from the person who is helping them is being translated in their mind the way it is intended?

6. Based upon this, is it true that one only has control over his thoughts within a certain framework and he can only think thoughts that this framework allows?

7. Is it true that one's extent of control over his thoughts is predetermined to what he or she understands and what he is capable of understanding?


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14 May 2014, 7:44 pm

Hopper wrote:
Aaendi wrote:
What happened to kissing and hugging anyway?

You could always try the Love Shack:


Huggin' and a-kissin',
Dancin' and a lovin',
Wearin' next to nothing
Cos it's hot as an oven

i've heard that the love shack is where it's at. :lol:


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14 May 2014, 8:15 pm

I will just leave the following points as there is a lot I read here:

1. Give because you want to, expect less or nothing in return for what you give.
2. Do your best to be peaceful, relaxed and smiling when you give to others. People are more afraid to say yes to someone who is not smiling and looking serious.
3. Don't tolerate bad behaviour from other people if you know you wouldn't behave that way yourself. If you know that person, assess whether they deserve a second chance.
4. Don't keep tabs of who you gave what to and who owes you something. Friendships and relationships aren't businesses. Friendships are usually more fun when the occasional surprises happen, and some friendships are even full of surprises. It's more fun to be around someone because you want to be there, not because you are owed something or are expecting something.
5. Many people are going to be more concerned about what you can give them. These people are usually employers and employees, business partners, customers and salesmen, and friends expecting a favor from you for asking a friend to do something they wouldn't normally do (borrowing money for example).

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