Grim wrote:
I think the not giving him sex until he is showered should work effectivly.
I love showers, I would easily spend an hour in the shower, to get me out of it quickly-ish, my mum makes me a cup of tea when i go in the shower, so i don't take to long as I want to drink my tea at least warm.
thank you guys for all your responses.
so here is the latest.
friday (last)-no shower, fight and sleep on couch.
monday-no shower.
tuesday morning- no shower.
so i am not going to say a word and see how he acts. i already told him i am not mommy or shower police so lets see if he wants to keep himself clean.
or he can keep himself to himself.
sunday 2 showers, he thinks he can catch up or something.
there is a post about this in the general section.
i feel like he is part of the majority which i don't understand.