Wolfram87 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
Okay then, I stand corrected.
Am I suppose to like the people who deem me worthless trash and unloveablea?
So no it’s not about my opinion of myself but about how they treat me and make me feel.
Others opinions matter more unless you live alone on a deserted island.
I'm sorry for trying to see the hurt behind the anger and paint a more sympathetic picture. I won't do that again.
But the people you've met will always be a minority compared to those you haven't, and that goes for men and women alike.
I have a pretty big sample size.
Thousands and thousands of women. More then enough to call it a poll and post stats about it. Women from all over the west coast. And I see similar women from all over the USA posting on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Lots of magazines and news stories about how women shouldn’t date poor men exist too.
So it’s not hard to see it’s a society thing that most of women agree with and support.
Most part tell their girls “ don’t date poor me. They losers and not good enough for you” movies, books, music all says the same thing. Poor men aren’t good enough for women. Women need to be with middle class well off men.
No one raises their girls to date poor men, they want them to date men who go to college and get good paying jobs so they can live the good life. Not mIn wage living In a apartment .
I am hurt but excusing it away won’t help. Only when society a knowledges the problem can we begin to fix it. Like we fixed the fat women shaming. We need to raise women telling them it’s ok to be poor it’s ok to date poor men they aren’t losers they worthy of love too. Just like how society says poor women are worthy of love.
There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die