juliekitty wrote:
Tell you what, though. For a few years now, I've been struggling to understand what guys are trying to accomplish with some of the obnoxious ways I've been approached. Do they actually think this is going to get them somewhere, I've wondered? Finding out about DeAngelo and others like him answers that question -- yes, they actually do.
Yeah, societal conditioning doesn't really bring out the best in most of us I'm afraid.
juliekitty wrote:
However, they're using it on the wrong girl. I go for the type of approach DeAngelo says is guaranteed to fail -- respectful, polite, chivalrous, protective. If women as a whole aren't responding to that anymore, I feel sorry for them.
That last part is pretty much where it comes from, most people don't want to be lonely so they'll do what they have to - when society lays it into you that your being a wimp or pretty much deserving to fail if you won't adapt and just do what's necessary, that hangs pretty heavy on your consciousness as well. My own opinion though, if that's just the way a guy is and he's genuine - all the power to him. People who aren't genuine with it though it'll backfire, again it takes a lot of authenticity to really have that sort of act be a positive thing.
From what you said though, I think this is really why people need to have more compassion and a lot less antipathy - its the reason why people put broad brushed acts on like that, to get around other people's initial biases, fronts, ie. they have to prove that they're 'cool'; sadly that form of cool or lack there of doesn't speak 5 degrees of the whole 360 that exists in a person. When our society creates these sorts of stumbling blocks its downfall is the inability to realize that it isn't working, that people aren't happy, and more importantly the specifics of why.