ToadOfSteel wrote:
D1nk0 wrote:
Flirting has always struck me as a way for a woman to get a guy to notice her, so Why the f**k is it always done with such insincerity?
...because NT's are pathological liars?
Are your parents NTs? What about the rest of your family?
Is the guy at the store an NT? Do you not trust him to count your change?
Do you trust anyone you meet when they tell you their name?
Do you
ever leave the f*****g house if you
actually believe this?
Because I think it's utterly ridiculous, and I'd like to think that you're just blowing smoke up our ass that you actually think this. But if you really do, then I'm amazed you ever manage to leave your goddamn bedroom.
There is so much bitching on this forum, and elsewhere, and from people with AS I know in real life, about how NTs don't get us, and they don't understand us, and they descriminate against us and they should be more forgiving because we can't help the way we are. And yet so many of you have this inherent prejudice against people who - yes-
aren't the ones with the problem.
I am completely happy with who I am as a person, and that's someone with Asperger's syndrome. I'm cool with that. But what you guys have to deal with is that it's us who is screwed up, not them. THEY are the normal ones (if you even believe in normality), we are the ones who are different.
And if you insult NTs, you insult 99% of my friends, you insult 95% of my family and virtually everyone else I've ever met, and I won't stand for that.
Women aren't all liars, men aren't all liars. That's the same old s**t that ANYONE spouts when they have a bad experience in a relationship or get dumped, and it's never been true once you wake up the next morning with a hang over. NTs, men, women, whoever it is that you guys seem to think are completely dishonest and all this crap, can be wonderful, intelligent, caring and yes, honest people.
Wake up!