I had my first date when I was 21. It was with a girl I met online. I walked a few miles to the place she was staying at, bought her tickets for a Nile concert, bought her food, coffee, and cigarettes, and let her wear my jacket because she didn't have hers. She slept through most of the concert and slept as soon as we got back to my room. The next day, out exchange went something like this:
Her: I'm sorry, but I'd feel guilty taking your virginity away from you.
Me: It's not like I value it.
Her: I know, it's just you're so . . . nice.
Me: You sure didn't sound that way in your emails.
Her: Well, that all changed once I met you.
My second contact with a member of the opposite sex, a few years later, was also via the internet. It culminated with an email that read:
"Your behavior is inappropriate an unwelcome. Knidly cease all further attempts to contact me, my family, my friends, or my work place.
Thank you,
(her name--oh what do I care, it was Besha Grey)"
"And lo, the beast looked upon the face of beauty. And beauty stayed his hand. And from that day on, he was as one dead."