magnetowasright wrote:
techstepgenr8tion wrote:
To be blunt our culture has a big HR problem.
Several hundred years ago we had places for people who either weren't going to be family oriented or couldn't be, ie. monasteries and convents. We threw 'spiritual calling' over our shoulders and put our culture in a place where if you don't make it in finance your odds of being considered anything are really slim.
If we were thinking clearly and looking at either young men who are incels or women who'll be heading into their 50's single and experiencing a lot of the same pain as they age we'd likely be trying to find ways to give their thirst for meaning, value, and esteem viable outlets. For as many permanently single men and women as we're going to have in the near future it's a shame we really haven't thought anywhere as deeply as we should about this.
RetroGamer87 wrote:
^ Techstep, monasteries and convents still exist! All the incelibate men and women could join monasteries and convents. Therein they could find the brotherhood that's been lacking in their lives. They'll be around like-minded people who definitely won't make fun of them for not getting laid.
They could find not only peace and happiness being brides and grooms of Christ, they could also find lifelong employment!
First of all: as RetroGamer said, you would have to be of "like mind" to be accepted in these places. I certainly never have or ever intend to become a "Groom of Christ".
Also, I don't fancy 6-year-old boys in that way.
Second: you're basically saying that I and people like me should just accept that we aren't good enough for something as common and mundane as being loved and having a family. Now that's pretty bigoted.
Kind of hoped I wouldn't need to explain this but I get why I'd have to.
I don't mean every guy or girl who can't find a partner should become Catholic and join a monastery or convent. I don't even mean most or even a significant minority. Really I'm trying to think of what today's structural equivalent could be. People need purpose and enfranchisement and if the world will reliably not give them that (for whatever reason), they have to find some other game to play in.
What I think is particularly nasty and bigotted is when it's suggested that men who are into their 30's and don't have partners should just play video games, drink, watch TV, atrophy to dust, but pretty much get lost and be seen and heard as little as possible. By comparison you're almost better off joining some fraternal order of sorts where there's a central process their working toward, even if it's introspective. I get that not everyone's a big introvert and a lot of people would hate that, which to me tells me that our culture needs to work harder to figure out what rewarding aims people can be offered who aren't winning the 'central' pop-culture game. Short of that we're sort of suggesting that people who don't fit in with whatever the dominant or popular culture is would do the world a favor by dying sooner. It's equally disgusting, pathetic, and unimaginitive.
magnetowasright wrote:
Second: you're basically saying that I and people like me should just accept that we aren't good enough for something as common and mundane as being loved and having a family. Now that's pretty bigoted.
I think Eric Weinstein actually said it very well recently. It's not that nature doesn't care about you're feelings, it absolutely does care and it aims to stomp on them. IMHO the real miseries are psychological, ie. hardly any pain is worse than a person being told their worthless and few anxieties worse than not knowing where your next meal is coming from. Not sexually lovable? There's not a lot we can provide people if the gender of their preference shuns them. Something more like familial, social, and moral support? That's a little closer to being within the realm of what can be provided and such avenues seem like the few places where nature doesn't hormonally pull the rug out from under our humanity.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.
Last edited by techstepgenr8tion on 04 Dec 2018, 10:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.