Tim_Tex wrote:
The thing is that virtually no conservative Christian female Aspies like the things I like, so I basically end up selling out those beliefs so I can attract those who do have the same interests. If I tell the truth about my beliefs, the (primarily liberal) people with those beliefs will refuse to date me because of their perceived stereotypes of conservatives.
They'll think "He must hate gay people" or "he doesn't care about the environment", or other similar things. I am not homophobic, and I do care about the environment.
You should get out of Texas, to be honest. The south is more conservative in general compared to the north (don't they still fly confederate flags in some places?)... If you moved to some more progressive areas, you would find that the term "liberal christian" need not be an oxymoron... Hell, I live in a church, and I know a good deal of people that are christians while still being into South Park. On top of that, at least where I live, marriages between people of two different faiths and each retaining their own faith is a common occurance (although one of the partners converting is also common...) Maybe it stems from the fact that NJ (Where I live) has the most eclectic spread of religious association (we have more jews per capita than Florida, we lead the nation in number of Muslims, and also a LOT of athiests...), that certain arrangements have to be made... So you find that the % of christians around here that are intolerant is a lot lower than in the south, probably just from the experience of other cultures in everyday life...
As for your OP, yeah, traditionalism in terms of the 50s is probably dead, but the idea of having a loving long-lasting relationship certainly is not, especially if my family is any measure... Yes, there have been a couple unplanned pregnancies between unmarried people (including one teen pregnancy), but in my lifetime (and probably my parents lifetime), there has not been a single divorce in our family... my parents actually had to explain it all to me back when I was about 7 when I first heard the word on TV, since the concept was so alien to me at the time...