Is he gay? straight? dont know?
i've always found it kinda fascinating, the idea of someone who is gay falling in love with a straight person. The personal conundrum that creates.
Like it kinda makes me feel bad. I understand rejection, but to me it feels like that would be a whole other set of issues, to have feelings for someone who will never have them for you for that reason.
Sounds kind of stupid coming out of my head and maybe doesnt make sense. Like if I were to ask a women out and she turned me down, I would just explain it in my head as 'well, she's looking for better' or 'maybe one day' or 'she'll regret it' or something silly like that.
But the idea that the answer was no due to them having no romantic feelings, and not being capable of it, to be really depressing.
I think if a gay guy sincerely confessed his love and devotion to me, I would feel bad enough to say 'hey, why not one night? gotta be a first time for everything'
But then probably not, because I wouldnt want to do something that could give false hope. But then again also lol, who knows? =P. Why limit the possibilities of finding a soul mate to just half the population, double it by going bi!
Just thinking out loud there, sorry
I say why not tell him. If he is a good friend he wouldnt let it bother him and hopefully it'll be found as flattering. And maybe he is interested in you romantically. Or maybe he finds it disgusting and you find out he's not all he cracked up to be, sooner raither than later. But you'll never know till you ask.
?It's a sad thing not to have friends, but it is even sadder not to have enemies.? - El Che