Whatever your thoughts and feelings are about sex, please talk about them and be honest with the person(s) you get involved with.
I'm separated from my husband (we're both NT), and we've been married for 19 years. I was the sexual aggressor when we dated, and I knew he was passive. At the time, his lack of passion helped me feel safe - perhaps gave me balance, but I was clueless in regard to the long term implications.
So, what this has meant as far as our life together is that on a day to day basis, he's been wonderful to live with. He cooks, cleans, and will help do practically anything if he's asked. He is extremely kind, giving, affectionate - but there is very little aggression in him. He has been my best friend and - my roommate.
We've struggled with physical intimacy literally from day one of our honeymoon. We tried to get help as newlyweds and nothing improved. Then we had children and that basically served to be a distraction all these years. Even now, with the threat of divorce, he's still in passive mode. There's been no movement on his part toward change, and he's even stated that he wants to be accepted for who he is. And I can accept him for who he is, but I intend to maintain that acceptance outside of a marital bond.
And, in response to the poster above, sex has ended up defining our relationship because the sexual element of our marriage has been so glaringly nonexistent, and it's not an area we agreed on before we got married. It's not like we both said 'Sex isn't important to either of us, but snuggling and holding hand is. Let's commit to that for life.'
All I'm trying to say is - if you know your preferences, be clear about them. Waiting is wonderful, but don't use it an excuse to avoid discussing an uncomfortable topic that may lead to rejection. If sex is important to you, say so. If it isn't important, please don't ever lead someone to believe that your intentions are one way in courtship, but in marriage you'll be different.