So in the past few weeks I spent some time dating a girl where - for the first time in my life - almost perfect personality and chemistry match. She has to go off to grad school, has school strictly on weekends, for the next close to 4 years. That's done, needless to say. Have another girl I'm talking to - cool but, I literally am not attracted. Thought I had another chance coming down the pipe with someone of the same caliber as the first I mentioned - just got a closed message from her today on Eharm that she's pursuing other relationships, after initiating the contact - that's a turkey, I'm really hoping I can turn this into a four or five-bagger by the end of the month!
Lol, sometimes you'd swear life is in conspiracy to keep you loopy and unhinged . True, my earlier 20's were way more caustic than this - probably three times the irony without the dating and much harder close calls blown. Back then though I'd really feel like I got gut-checked, now, I laugh and woot like I just one $50 on a scratch-off; great to know I can roll it off at least .