Why do people think that when I fight with a girl I like her?
Why do people assume that because me and a girl fight a lot and hate each other that we are "really" in love
Just because in movies and TVs, when males and females bicker its really playful banter and they secretly love each other, doesn't mean that it works that way in real life.
My moms do fight & it can get serious, so I don't think its uncommon for couples to fight a lot.
Is it so hard to believe that a man and woman can fight a lot and hate each other,
without there being any chemistry. Not for me it isn't, can't say for other people though.
No one would say that two men fight because they are secretly attracted. Just because of whats between our legs, our fights can't be real.
And if she was an older woman, or unattractive, I don't think people would make the same assumptions. Proof people are superficial.
I would say the one thing me and the girl have in common is that we both get pretty pissed of when others refer to us as a couple.
Why do all male-female relations have to be seen through that lens? I know I hate that. I had some male friends in HS and unless they were openly gay or fat, people automatically thought we were dating (even though I said I was asexual constantly
). I think people in general are just nosy, have no purpose in life, & drive me nuts.
Is it so hard to believe that I fight with an attractive girl, for the same reasons I'd fight with a guy? This isn't middle school.
I'm not a 10 year old boy who pulls a girl's hair to let her know I like her. I don't get why you would hurt someone to show that you like them.
& affected by the embarrassment factor I find. I have playfully punched friends to show affection (easier for me than hugging, etc. "normal contact" sets me off) though. In my case doing stuff like that is b/c I can't show affection in general or at all & I know NT's (and some aspies/auties besides me) like it for some reason.