I agree with Bill. I did that out of a feeling of hopelessness and I fully regret it.
What happens is the same thing that happens when you take up smoking and try to quite.
Yeah you get over it until some huge stressful thing comes about that makes you feel like complete crap, such as rejection and frustration with dateing or what have you.
So you get all nihilistic and call the girl to hang out(or light up, whatever) cause you remember at least feelin kinda good when you were hooked on the stuff/going out.
THen comes the time when your driving home..... alone, and realise how worthless you feel because you went and gave into some BS thing to try and make you feel better.
Its not even a good thing too! yeah you might feel good at the time, but its always kind of mixed with a sense of disgust for yourself, then theres the regret afterwards.
So you say to yourself "okay this is the last dang time I'm doin this to myself", cause honestly you can't really stand being around the girl anyways but eventually it will happen again.
Because yo're (well actually me here just to be clear) kinda stupid and self-destructive like that. Probably.
I just hope I don't buy another pack of smokes/call that person back ever again...... but I probably will. then I'll just feel horrible.... again.