Tim_Tex wrote:
I was looking for a female Aspie who has the same interests as me, and has the same religious beliefs and sexual preferences as me. But there are only two, and they are both already in relationships.
Curious about something.
Assuming you're in a relationship, but someone much better/richer/prettier/nicer comes along. Do/would/should you have qualms about dropping the person you're with?
If you stay out of loyalty, then (in general) why ever abandon the relationship (as to many being single is worse), as something is better than nothing. You're stuck with the first person you meet.
If you're willing to "date" and shop around for a better match/coupling/mate, then why assume others aren't willing to do the same?
Point is, if you're "da shiznitz" then why wouldn't members of the opposite sex drop whomever they're with and pursue you? And then what stops you from trying to become "da shiznitz" and having this happen?