Stinkypuppy wrote:
Tias wrote:
LePetitPrince wrote:
aaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha x'D
"I told you so" is something i could imagen you saying now, lol.
Wow, really......that wasn't even like a less than 2 weeks? LoL
Thats why when people do stuff like that, they should seriously consider things even before starting it, hormoes? Yeah, and then you also try to be abit reasonal/logical, and you can see if your hormones fail or not.
You shouldn't do crap like this if you dont have the determination from the start, and the will to get to the "finish" line
Please let people learn from their own experiences. It's fine if you want to give ample warning to a person beforehand, but if he doesn't want to listen, just drop it and move on. Rubbing it in and saying "I told you so" does nothing constructive. Admitting one's own mistakes and limitations is hard enough. He doesn't need you or anybody else to make it harder!
I'm well aware of the fact that people should also learn from their own mistakes, but from my point of view, what he attempted is like a random guy out of nowhere(no experience whatsoever) says he wantsto become president.....riiiight
Of course "Nothing is impossible", but sometimes being abit more reasonal dosnt hurt.
If he was thinking abit more logical he would have understood that what he was doing was not the wisest.
But again, like i said, nothing is impossible, but that dosnt mean you should throw away reason and logic.
Buuuuut in the end, if they both had been really serious, and went for the finish line, it would have worked.
But whatever~
He learned his lesson hopefully~