LePetitPrince wrote:
1- When she talks to you about her pms/period : Girls usually don't talk about such "private" things in front the guys they like.
I've never actually heard that one on one with a woman, usually if anything its when we're out as a group and a girl's trying to score Shaft points with the group by saying edgy things.
LePetitPrince wrote:
2- When she talks about other guys' attractive qualities or when she makes obvious reactions toward some attractive qualities in other guys.
Yeah, that's either a friend or someone who's gaming you for a reaction.
LePetitPrince wrote:
4- When she brings her female friends to your place or any other place you hang out with.
Depends which date. Unless its a mutually aranged double date (probably with the matchmaking couple) that's one thing, if its female friends on a first date - she shot herself in the foot, big time.
LePetitPrince wrote:
5- If you are younger or the same age of her : not a sign, but you are more likely to fall in the zone in that case.
Cougars are out there though and I've seen friends in relationships that stretched up to three or four months. Long term though it is a bit unusual unless she's an aging Hollywood celebrity.
LePetitPrince wrote:
7- If she's popular: they get fans all the time , so the zoning way is an effective filtering strategy.
Actually I've had enough popular girls make passes with me. More likely to happen after highschool though and particularly if they were popular for wholly other reasons than being Machievelli's Prince of the social order. Painful thing - some of these girls were the same who just thought I was adorable, were hoping for Toby McGwire or Zooey Deschanel's twin brother through and through, needless to say I think I have another bullet point to add for you:
11. There is a difference between the type of guy/girl you look like you should be and the personality you actually possess - people who like your look won't accept your personality as valid, people who would love your personality scorn you on how you look, from which point by the time they realize your cool it's too late - the damage is done, they can't be attracted nor could they brace themselves to explain their choice off to their friends.
LePetitPrince wrote:
9- When she talks/phones/chats to you only when she needs a favor: A small advice in that case, RUN!
That's a sign that she's striking out with you, as in you cut the relationship short. Doesn't even matter if she came at it from an angle of thinking she was superior to you and had no intent of treating you with a grain of dignity - its a little bit stunning when the other person takes a tall stance and overshadows you.