I don't see too big of a problem with the age difference. Girls mature faster than boys, and also he might have just turned 14 and she may be about to turn 13. My oldest daughter started dating her boyfriend when she was 13 and he was 16, so it really depends on the kids. They are still together btw, and she's 16 and he's about to turn 20.
What I would do is invite her to go to a school event, or something at your church or house of worship like a kids event, or a football game at the school, or if you have already secured a parent for a mode of transportation and finance, then to the movies or skating or somewhere like that.
The actual asking would go like this "Would you go to the ball game with me?" Or just put in whatever event your wanting to take her to. Ifshe says yes, then you got a date. If she says no and tells you a reason and it's not something that puts a stop to the idea right then (I have a boyfriend, My parents wont let me date till I'm 16, I want to be a nun) then just say "Ok, maybe another time". Then WAIT ONE WEEK, MAYBE TWO and ask her to another date. If she says no that time, and it's not something like her grandmother just died, then I would just let it go.
BUT the first thing I would do before asking her out is talk to her on the phone. I'd start out with talking on the internet, then move up to texting then call her on the phone. Just say "can I have your phone number so I can call you sometimes?". Now, at your ages its perfectly ok to call her that night. Because she will be expecting it.
OK, good luck!!