The Internal and External Faces of Feminism
It seems fitting that the most common question we are asked at is “What is feminism?” The truth is, it is an almost impossible question to answer definitively since the term has so many different meanings and interpretations, all of them personal and specific to whoever is defining it.
WhiskeyInTheJar wrote:
What do you think, disaster or not?
I don't have a "what I think" as much as an observsation that like so many other things it depends upon how it is applied and what extreme it is taken to.
Which I guess could be intrepreted as implying that person may or may not themselves be the disaster.
As far as what I think, I think it is not that Feminisim is a disaster or not; but, rather, that any given individual may be applying it disasterously or not.
"Every time you don't follow your inner guidance,
you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness."
- Shakti Gawain