No chance logistically to meet women or date/have sex.

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12 Dec 2009, 12:50 am

I was thinking about it, and the only reason the one girl I dated worked out is because she lived in the same town as me and didn't mind picking me up and driving me (I don't have a license due to the Aspergers.) Realistically, I've had two situations in my life where I could have freshman year at college when I was living on campus and the girl I dated. The women I talk to online are all an hour plus away. Meeting for a first date can be arranged, but you pretty much know that it isn't going to work out as anything other than going on a date once a weekend if you're lucky. I'm more looking for either a girlfriend or someone to date or be friends with benefits with...someone to hang out with and be intimate with...not a one time date or one night stand.

I'm wondering if anyone here is kind of single for some reason out of their hands like location or inability to drive or just bad circumstances, not because of poor self-esteem, bad looks, or being shy?


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12 Dec 2009, 12:57 am

Edit: overreaction...

Get me out of here!

Last edited by FaithHopeCheese on 12 Dec 2009, 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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12 Dec 2009, 12:58 am


Get me out of here!

Last edited by FaithHopeCheese on 12 Dec 2009, 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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12 Dec 2009, 1:07 am

Lack of focus on the road. Driving through red lights, not knowing when to go on a four-way intersection, easily stressed in ability to park...this after years of practice. My most recent driver's ed teacher said after the number of lessons you're supposed to take before being ready to go for the test, "Well some people aren't meant to drive."

Anyway, this kind of encompasses how I am in general...lack of focus...not knowing what to do...easily stressed...easily overwhelmed.

I thought this was what being Aspie was all about?


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12 Dec 2009, 2:07 am

I recently had to retake the driver's test since I let my license expire. That happened once before about ten years ago, and I passed both times. That makes three times I have passed the behind-the-wheel test.

I have diagnosed aspergers, and I've had a license since I was seventeen. I am now in my early thirties.


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12 Dec 2009, 4:00 am

I don't drive, as I have many of the issues that you list...My (very AS-ish) mom does not drive.

My very good friend AS-ish friend has a license, but he has serious issues behind the wheel of a car..he is prone to meltdowns over tiny things, and when he is in that mental state it is very easy for him to drive wrecklessly/dangerously....and it is very scary...but he did manage to get a license, which he uses for work...he does not own a car, and uses a bike for his main mode of transportation...

So I can't flat-out say that there is no reason why a person on the spectrum should not be able to drive...

There are a lot of Aspie/HFA people who can drive just fine.
I am not one of them....but it is certainly not unheard of...and I have been in the car with AS people who were excellent drivers.

My non-driving has not kept me from dating, but I was looked down upon for it by one guy i dated...

I can understand why it might be more difficult for a non-driving guy than for a non-driving girl, even in these modern times..

Do you ride a bike? I don't know how big a town you live in, but where I live there is a thriving bicycling community, and most people don't blink twice regarding people who don't drive or own cars...It is the sort of scene that can make for some level of socializing...even I, as an AS-person once belonged to a bicycle gang and we would go out riding after midnight all over the city once a was fun...a low stress social event with some adventure involved... it was not unheard of for people to meet and start dating as a result of such gatherings.....and then on the last Friday of the month was Critical Mass...A mass bike riding extravaganza

Anything like that where you live?