alex wrote:
don't use "pick up" lines. Just say something like "hi. i saw you and wanted to meet you" or "how's it going" although "hi" is the simplest and easiest thing to say.
Also, girls don't think "oh no. a guy said hi to me. that's creepy!" but they could conceivably say "oh no. a guy said supercroc to me. that's creepy!".
I agree, pick up lines are crap but I think the concept of someone striking up conversations with strangers about supercrocs is too awesome to discourage.
On a serious note though:
alex wrote:
but if you wanna talk about supercroc, do it and stop caring what they say in response if that's what you wanna talk about because at least its the real you. don't say it as a pickup line which I think you're doing.
You sure?! Just let go like that? Isn't doing things like that the failproof way of getting shunned by everybody, and those who don't, only talk to you out of pity? You have no idea how much time I've spent to get away from such socially devastating behavior, and it's only when you start to keep such crap at a minimum that people respect you.