TheMinnesotaIceman wrote:
ToadOfSteel wrote:
John F Kennedy?
Although his "career" was tragically cut short, so maybe not in terms of sheer numbers...
I seriously doubt that JFK even slept with 100 women, let alone thousands of them.
Don't sell JFK short -- he lived to be 46. He also was a war hero as a young man, came from a wealthy family, had a lot of family connections, and an avid social life -- If he only slept with 2 new women a year after age 20, he would already be up to 50, and from the factors I listed above, it seems a lot more likely that he passed 100 well before his 30s. That family is known for being fairly promiscuous and horned up, so I don't think he's going to underperform there.
There are 2 types of guys in this world -- most of us are in the 10 partners and under category, because marriage and/or morals gets in the way. For the rest of guys, especially those with extra opportunity, either from themselves (good social skills) or external factors (rich family, good social network, lives in a crowded urban area and thus is more likely to meet more people), it is going to be 10 and up, sometimes waaaay up.
Don't take it as a sign of personal failure when someone gets to that level -- odds are that you either wouldn't be willing to do what it takes to get those kinds of numbers, or you have personal beliefs that would also preclude this volume of partners.