jamesongerbil wrote:
i don't think it's unconventional. imo, it's lame. i think a girl would appreciate it much more if you asked her out in person. it shows courage and also that you care enough about her to do that. it would be different if you never met in person, i think. but still, it would be better if it was "just hanging out" than "a date," because it relieves societal pressure and emotional stress and the like. you could ask her to hang out with you sometime on facebook. that happens all the time!

maybe, when you are hanging out, you can then ask for a date.
Consider this james, what iyo is lame, might, for other Aspies, actually be a good way for fully and accurately expressing feelings to another cuz outside of the typical social issues regarding social interaction, some may also have processing issues where there's a difficulty in getting words from brain to tongue and not saying them in a way that might be misconstrued by another but the medium of wirting through say a chat console like say MSN, Yahoo, AIM or Facebook Chat, might offer the outlet for the person to porperly express themself(ves) to the other. The only drawback I could see is that "chatting" is a flat medium of communiaction(unless that is you and whoever you're chatting with are using webcams), so face-to-face may still be the better way.
As for you ad, regrading your concern about your friends/mutual friends making fun of you if they found out from the girl or through the grapevine, I say if they make fun of you about it, which by college, even though for the most part you and your peers are still in your late teens I suspect, most
should be past jeuvenile, immature bs like that and if they aren't well then maybe they aren't really your friends.