Anyone not care about their attractiveness?
i do not know if anyone cares about their attractiveness, but i have no interest in decorating myself.
i never have worn any type of jewelry, and i have never put perfumes or deodorants on me (i do not sweat so i have no native scent of my own).
i do not wear clothes that are chosen to "look good".
i wear tracksuit pants and white unmarked tee shirts at most times that i am out of bed.
i have 3 types of tracksuit pants, and i bought them at different times, and i bought 4 identical tracksuits pants in each type.
so after i do my washing, i have 12 clean tracksuit pants to wear, (and there are 4 copies x3 styles), and i do not bother to change the style of tracksuit pants i choose to put on when i consign the ones i am wearing to the wash basket.
i will just go and get another pair of tracksuit pants (usually of the exact same design) and i put them on.
i am aware that some people may remark (at the shops) "goodness! he's worn the same pants for a week!! !". who cares what they misapprehend?
all my tee shirts are white and nobody ever sees me dressed any differently than i am usually dressed.
when i go to the office at work, i do wear jeans and a collared shirt, but that is for protocol only.
i think it is tiresome and futile to be attractive because when people like what you are saying because they want to "lick your teeth", or they "understand completely" because they want to stroke your hair, they are just like holders of a candy apple (toffee apple) on a stick, and the candy apple is trying to talk to them, but they do not hear, and all they want to do is take a bite.
i am not very well functioning this evening and i am not sure if this post makes sense fully, but i will press the "dump" button anyway.