I hang/talk to a lot of guys/girls I don't intend to sleep with or date, and if pressed or opportunity presents itself, then I'll tell them that my feelings for them are entirely platonic, and that I don't have romantically inclined aspirations of us being together.
One unexpected benefit I discovered long ago, was the hidden power of referring, by Jove! The amount referrals I've gotten over the years from friends about potential friends/lovers still surprises me, also, being introduced to someone who already has an idea of what to expect from you, and vice-a-versa, is huge ice breaker and efficient time saver.
There's also another potential benefit, but it's probably not your style, so I won't really go into it.
Suffice to say, there is value in friendships, or as the young people call it nowadays "Networking".
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment, but the last step on the path to salvation.Idealist wrote:
My Autism was cured/treated in late childhood (this makes me a walking, talking, contradiction to 90% of the Forum who all believe Autism is incurable)