JP88 wrote:
I will be as miserable as ever as I've never had a friend that's a girl, a friend, not a girlfriend, a friend. I feel like I am slipping into a bad way as I just keep eating and eating. I know I have a problem but when you constantly grab another Bagel and then leftovers from dinner without even thinking about it what do you do? I think I've gained 20 lbs. since Thanksgiving and I am now out of shape.
You'd better work on this, though. If you've been living a sedentary lifestyle, go out walking for an hour and a half each day. It's not too difficult, just bring some music or something. Find something to do to give your life purpose and eat until you're no longer hungry rather than until you're stuffed, and don't eat late night snacks.
Many guys have trouble being close friends with women due to sexual tension, even if they're not particularly love-shy. Expand your social circles by joining clubs and societies at least until the amount of women you know on comfortable speaking terms that you find dateable is in double figures and then you'll be in a better position.