It bothers me that while I still have a long way to go and am a work in progress, that a lot of the guys on here fit into one or more of a few categories:
1.)Desperate for a girlfriend. Think it will turn them from mad-at-the-world sourpusses into happy, functioning human beings.
2.)Desperate for sex. Talk about the female anatomy like they're 14 year olds that just saw their first porn magazine.
3.)Incredibly shy and instead of taking small steps to improve, they're dwelling on their shyness like it's a curse.
This would sum up about 90% of the guys here.
I feel like I've wasted my time, other than with the exception of one male via aim who has at least taken the step of throwing his hands up in the air and saying "I need assistance" and seeking out therapy as well as being open, albeit relectuantly open, to new ideas and new ways of thinking.
Fair or unfair, women judge attitude the way we judge looks. The old me used to say "Well I have the attitude I have because women don't pay any attention to me. I'm mad for a reason." It's just need to focus on yourself for the first time in your life, not women, and turn yourself into someone that you really like. Even if by some lucky chance, you met a woman in your current state, you'd probably turn her off on the first date.
So for the last time, I'm going to suggest just living a life that doesn't involve your heterosexuality....getting rid of the excess frustration via masturbation...and concentrating on becoming a better you.
The better you has to do with dating because women want a man with a plan. Sure, some women date drug dealers, but those women are severely f***ed up in the head. The quality women want a guy who loves life.
While I'm sorry for forcing my advice on people as far as the getting better fashion sense, it's kind of hypocritical to want a beautiful woman, but then be unwilling to lose weight or get a fashionable outfit, don't you think? People usually tend to date people similar in lifestyle and looks as themselves unless there's money or fame involved, and I'm sure none of you want a girl to date you just because you have money.
I've also noticed a lot of "us against them" mentality going on around here. Women aren't the enemy. You're your own enemy. You aren't a nice guy. If you were, you wouldn't complain as much or get mad at women. Not having a criminal record and being submissive doesn't make you nice.
Basically, if you WANT to change, and I get the impression a lot of guys on here don't want to, it will require a totally different outlook on life. It will take years, not months.
I realize, at the same time, this is a support forum, and guys have the right to whine about not having a girlfriend and how unfair the world is. But they're just wasting time. I did the same thing on other sites where people were too nice to give me the straight dope.
Basically, if you really want to change, you have to allow yourself to hit rock bottom (whatever rock bottom is for you)...being "conveniently sad" while it might feel comfortable and familiar, it's not going to get you a life or a girlfriend.
If anyone wants to keep in contact with me off this site and hear about my progress or just talk, feel free to send me a private message. But I've officially given up on the majority of Aspie and shy men.
If I sound like I'm being judgmental or unreasonable, let's just say 3 years ago I couldn't even look my attractive female cousin in the eye and would avoid family parties because I thought people would see that I found her I just talk to her like she's anyone else.