dossa wrote:
Right on. I always described myself as bisexual, but I wonder if pansexual is more fitting and appropriate, as I would not care if someone was or was not a person who did not fall into a generic male or female category. I joke about being a sexual agnostic, but I really think that sums it up best for me. I might not know what my preference is, but I am okay with that uncertainty. Heh.
Yeah I know what you mean. I'm struggling to find a label that really fits (even though I question why I need something as silly as a label in the first place
). I used to identify as solely gay when I was 16 up to when I was about 19 but certain things made me reconsider. I think I'm pansexual.
TheMysteriousOne wrote:
If you genuinely were transgendered, then yes
The blues are because you're getting fat, and maybe it's been raining too long. You're just sad, that's all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid, and you don't know what you're afraid of.