I glanced at a couple of those sites prior to landing here. In my opinion they were full of complaining and stigmatizing the AS partner, and little understanding that a relationship has two parties and both have a responsibility and a role. The NT partner is 50% of the relationship, 50% of the "problem" (if there is one) and at least 50% of the solution - possibly more.
WP helped me much more than those sites could have. For one thing - this community normalized or standardized some of my husband's behavior. "Oh, OK. It's not just him. This is part of the way of being for someone with AS". Even people I can clearly see are more profoundly affected by Autism, I can still see a common thread with my husband.
Being here, amongst people like-minded to my husband, has helped me develop compassion for him. I see the painful side of it this in ways he can't explain to me. I see the parents with their young autistic children and the struggles they have in life, home, school. I see the 18 year olds suffer here with depression and hopelessness - - my husband faced those things at 18. I see in the comments about work the problems he has faced in his career journey and why things in the workplace come so effortlessly for me, but are very hard-won for him.
I experienced a lot of complaining and victim-mentality on those other sites. I wanted something different - more freeing. AS isn't going anywhere in my life - it's here to stay. I'm not "fixing" or changing him, but maybe we can learn some different behaviors, both of us. And maybe I have the most powerful role to bring about change - by changing my perceptions.
Because of all of this above - - WP has helped me with the only part I have control over: my own expectations. This is the most powerful part for me. Eliminate the inappropriate expectation - and I'm a happy girl.
Happy and loving my AS/NT marriage.