Lene wrote:
2. They want to go look for someone 'better' but if they don't find it, they'll come back to you.
If he finds someone who grabs his attention more, it means he'll either:
A) go for a full break-up when he gets some balls,
B) attempt to keep things as they are, where you continue to hold the dor open for him, or
C) cheat on you if/when your relationship reasserts itself.
If he comes back to you, you will never have his full dedication; He feels he's 'settling' for you, and thus probably wont ever reach the level of investment that you are at. He will probably always end up feeling stifled, grasping for space.
Like building a house on shaky ground, by staying with this joker, you're inviting a world of hurt. Have faith that you can find someone else who's as good as him, if you are willing to get out there and put some effort into looking.
I don't feel that talking to him at length, particularly about this subject, will do anything that will help. In all likelihood, he will find effective arguments to convince you that none of this is the case. And he will be very convincing, and lying(either to you, or himself). I think a quiet phase-out, or a fast, cold-turkey break up is what's called for. Confronting him about this wont do any good. Even if you seek closure, you'll probably end up with more aggravation and lack of resolution than before. I could be wrong, but I think the dice are in my favor here. Things usually devolve into elaborate, stupid, needless drama when it comes to confrontations like these.