MissConstrue wrote:
- Not having to worry about how I look.
- Not being called names just b/c I don't want to go out or do it his way.
- Not having to go to the phone every second just to hear him brag about the girls who oogle him at his job.
- Not having those cold clammy hands clutch me everytime we're out somewhere.
- Not being interrupted when I'm in the middle of something.
- Not being yelled at.
- Not having to listen about all my physical and mental flaws.
- I get to blast my "odd" taste of music without him bitching about it.
- I get the place all to myself without him inviting his drunk friends over.
- I don't have to worry all the time like if he's cheating on my back.
Wow. It sounds like you've been in at least one really bad relationship. *hug*
But I also wanted to comment on this:
- Not having to worry about how I look.
It doesn't happen intentionally, but I've noticed a pattern; maybe it has to do with the guys I'm attracted to. But it seems I always worry about how I look more when I'm single.
When I'm single, I follow the basic guidelines for looking attractive. I don't wear makeup, but sometimes I wear jewelry, and I shower every day, shave my legs every day, apply deoderent at least once a day, wear different clothes every day . . .
Then, in every relationship I've had so far, the guy has told me things like, "I don't care if you shave or not. Keep doing it if you prefer your own legs and arm-pits shaven, but don't do it for me," and "You don't have to wear deoderant every day or shower every day - I really like your natural smell in just the right amount. It turns me on," and, "I don't care if you wear the same shirt for a week. In fact, I probably wouldn't notice." So, since I'm just trying to be attractive to him and not other guys, I go by what he says and stop worrying about those things.
It's really nice to come back from a hike or work feeling all sweaty and in need of a shower and hear my guy say, "Wow, you're beautiful."