criss wrote:
this is interesting for me, as I thought
that it would be the case that us R Brained
Aspies would be a little more able to think
outside the box.
Tell me, any of you feel that your right
brainedness has enabled you to integrate better
into non-autistic world? And do you feel that
thinking more out the box has hidden your AS
and thus delayed seeing yourself as a person
with AS?
My right brain thinking is stronger than average (meaning the majority of people favour left brain thinking), but I'm equally split between left and right brain. On tests I score in the middle, using both. I write with my right hand, but I do everything else manually, left-handed.
I have no problem with metaphor. I grok it and I use it myself.
get sarcasm. I understand how it works and I can use it. I only use it to parody concepts, constructs, systems, or ideas. I don't use it against people in a passive-aggressive way. I greatly dislike when people do that and find it small and mean spirited.
I have mistaken the meaning and intention of what people have said, because I was taking something literally that wasn't meant literally. However, it's not a cognitive or logic issue for me. I have no problem with abstract thought.
It's a misreading of non-verbal communication, which encompasses intonation, timber, emphasis and subtle differences in the voice, as well as facial and body language.
Say I"m sitting at a lunch table with 5 people talking about the relative merits of cats vs. dogs as pets and one of those people says, "Oh yeah, I love cats. I have 37 of them and I'm going to get my 38th after work." If I didn't know that person well and they said that completely deadpan, I'd be stuck trying to figure out if they were telling the truth or being sarcastic (because in truth they hate cats with a passion).
It's often happened to me where someone has been teasing or joking sarcastically, and I'm not sure if they are being serious. I guess I get this "trying to figure you out" clueless look on my face and people will generally start laughing and say, "I'm JOKING!"
This has lead to people who don't know me that well, to categorize me as gullible, which I'm not in the true sense of the word. I am actually a huge skeptic, I just have not been able to read people for the life of me.