We hung out a couple times this weekend, and he's extended an open invitation to stop by after work. He also gave me his phone number. Before I left his place the other day, I stole a kiss, which he didn't seem to mind at all.
I'm not an aspie. I was assessed, and while I've got traits for both ASD and ADD, my official diagnosis is severe depression and cognitive disorder NOS. But things are still very complicated for me.
I didn't first fall in love until I was 24. I'm nearly 27 now, and while that first love ended, I still feel very green about relationships(until I was 24, my relationships had a shelf-life of about six weeks). I feel I've done the right thing in allowing all this to space itself out, but I'm an impatient woman!
I hope he answers his phone so I can go hang out over there when I'm done with work. As it is, he's got about an hour-and-a-half left of work, so I'll probably call him while I'm on my route(not before I pull over first, though).