jc6chan wrote:
Do you find aspies who have no interest in dating/relationships better off than NTs who also have no interest?
they would be the same as far as i can see. if they have no interest in "dating", then they both would not care about what happens.
i have no interest in "dating", and i have no worries whether i am liked or not.
if "NT's" feel the same way then it is all equal.
jc6chan wrote:
NTs have no trouble socializing and so people will start to flirt with NTs and it would make them uncomfortable. Aspies on the other hand, not many people would flirt with someone who has trouble with communicating and so they won't feel awkward.
it matters what you look like. i have girls who intrude on my solitude because they think i am backward and attractive. they do not realize i am a real person, and they try to coerce me into physical relationships and they think i am so silly that i will just let them do stuff to me and they try to touch me because they think i will not be so intelligent as to know what they are trying to do. there is no social ability necessary in order to attract some girls.
jc6chan wrote:
Also, NTs tend to have more friends and "feel closer" to their friends (because they are REAL friends) and so their friends may all be dating and they feel left out or their friends might pressure them to start dating.
hmm.i have no idea.