OP, why are you sitting at home "bored to death?" Even if you don't have anywhere to go right now, you don't have to be bored to death, right?
Look, you've got to have enough going on in your life, e.g., interests, hobbies, projects, intellectual curiosity, etc., to entertain yourself for an afternoon. You can't make your bf responsible for entertaining you - it's not a reasonable expectation to have of any partner. And it's not reasonable to be angry with him because he doesn't realize you've placed this burden upon him.
I can guarantee you that if you respond angrily to him this evening that you will not achieve the result you'd like: him wanting to spend more time with you. Instead, he's going to realize that you're jealous, and that he can't believe what you say (cause you did give him the impression that you had no problem with his plans....gonna be kinda tough to take that back without damaging your own credibility). So, IMO it would be a better use of your time to try to identify some things that will hold your interest for an afternoon, and work out the anger you're feeling about this - on your own.
What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful...